Guitar Gear Infomation Point


Active member
ok. i created this thread so as that shld anyone want to know abt info like prices of guitar gear can search here.
i know abt the review section but this thread is more like a Q n A thread actually.
if there was such a thread before then can delete this thread :wink:

basically this thread is for GUITAR GEAR only. not general faq abt guitars.

p.s. might be good if this is a stickie as well.
to start it off.
will the Ibanez MMM1 be part of Swee Lee Sale? has it been on sale before?
and i wud like to know the price of the SZ520.
is the sz720 available in singapore? thanks.

is 7 stringers ok for beginners?

remmedations for pedals?
is it more worth it to buy a multi efx or pedals 1 by 1?
Whats this thread got to do with "prices of guitar gear"? :)

I think you are trying to do what the entire section of the Guitar - Gear forum is doing... except all in 1 thread. :wink:
is it? i guess i shld change my thread name to....
any ideas? :lol:
well all i wanna do is help people get their qns answered in a ncie orderly manner, so no need 1 qn come up new thread lor. :lol:
just imho, some questions can be easier when direct to the dealer that bring in the stuff. A telephone number is the most useful

as for prices, each dealer have their own suggested selling price set by the manufacturer, sometime its hard to gauge a fixed one, especially in a forum. Problem might arise when theres some differences in the price info.

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