Guitar Designs Show Off !!!!!


New member
Hi!! this is my first post so,here goes..

This post is about showing your famous/nice/sweet/anything designs on your guitar...SO,DO SHOW YOUR GUITAR TO US!!!!

well,mine first...i have a custom bass guitar thats i had repainted myself ...
this is the pictures of my bass guitar:




23 fret bass

i don't think i've ever seen a 23 fret bass neck before. where'd u get it?

Oh,i got as a gift from my was in a bad condition....for example,the screws are rusted,the body got no lacquer at the front,lots of bump,and,i decided to restore everything and repaint my bass on my own actually..hehe...dono where my uncle got it actually hahha!!!:D
hmm... a fanatic when it comes to a custom paint on be truthful,am i the only one in Singapore that have a custom paint guitar(except blueraincoat) since theres no reply other users with a pic of their guitar?heheheh:D

Dont mind sharing your favourite guitars pics with me?:D
imho, there are usually more people who are into modding the instrument for performance enhancement/sound reinforcement more than the physical outlook.

Of course it prolly not a true reflection as well, since its my own perception from reading various forums and stuff, seeing a certain patterns/behaviours of bass/geetar playing crowd
Hey noobdified, did you do the refinishing yourself? If you did, well done. Very clean finish.

haha thanks. its a different thing up close tho... can see little chips here and there, and it gets dirtied easily...

i think the TS's one nicer... how'd you get it so glossy?
nippon spray paint lol. and lacquer. must sand and prime the body before painting tho.

Thanks bro for the reply. I have a sunburst guitar and I'm thinking of spraying white. Quite a noob at refinishing. What kinda prime you use? Where can I get it?
Thanks bro for the reply. I have a sunburst guitar and I'm thinking of spraying white. Quite a noob at refinishing. What kinda prime you use? Where can I get it?

mm i went to my neighbourhood DIY shop, then they got all those outdoor use spraycans, i think you should ask the shop owner or something. I think the primer can double as white paint... im not too sure tho.

Holy crap... I wonder what paint he uses for the guitars. Anyone has any idea?

i think he use a normal artist paint(maybe acrylic or ...not sure abt it haha) then,he paint by using brushstrokes i think cause i manage to see the close up before..:D

haha thanks. its a different thing up close tho... can see little chips here and there, and it gets dirtied easily...

i think the TS's one nicer... how'd you get it so glossy?

i think what i did is i make more coats than normal standard coating thats all..hehehe:D