New member
Hi, this post is dedicated to all the newbies and people who won't learn how to post PROPERLY.
In this post I will cover a few topics, albeit all on making the forum experience a enjoyable and fruitful one.
1. Forum and its Subforums
2. How to be heard
The Forum and its subforums
Here at Soft, we have quite a few subforums.
These are forums meant to group various topics to make the forum tidy.
Message From Us- This is the forum for James to make announcements. Strictly no bullshitting here.
General Discussion
Kopitiam - When it says anything under the sun, it means you post what the other forums cannot accomodate.
Feedback and suggestion - For suggestions and feedback to James, as the name implies.
Gigs and Concerts - No elaboration needed.
Open Mic - For SOFTies to post their own musical works. While posting comments/feedback, please be constructive and polite.
Self Intro - No elabortation needed.
Drums And Percussion
Gear, Drums - Talk about the latest drums and gears here. Duh.
People, Drums - This is for SOFTies to talk about the drummers they've seen, love and want to discuss about. NOT for recruiting of drummers.
How To, Drums - Post about techniques, etc, you get the idea.
Gear, Guitar - Talk about pedals, guitars whatever related. Do not post your gear talk in the kopitiam, for goodness sake. And do not ask for videos of guitarists or tabs, those belong in the People or How To section.
People, Guitar - Talk about guitarists, not for recruiting people.
How To, Guitar - For advice or to give advice on techniques, problems, so forth.
Bass, Keyboards, Synths
Same as guitar forum, but for the instruments of that forum.
Musicians Market
Musicians Wanted, Available
These are the forums for you to recruit members, do not spam the People, (insert instrument here) sections.
Those are the forums with problems, people mixing up where to post and so forth.
How To Be Heard
1. Please type properly, with punctuation and spelling that is comprehensible. We aren't asking you to be a grammar nazi, but going "omgineedaguitarsobadcananyonehelpme?" is not only bad looking, it's irritating.
2. Make your point specific. Going like "Which is the BEST guitar?" isn't exactly very descriptive.
3. Have a positive attitude, the members will help you more.
4. Points management. You can have multiple questions in a single page instead of 5000000000 different threads for each question. This makes you look less retarded.
5. Do NOT post the same topic in many forums multiple times, it just makes everyone pissed at you.
That's the point I'm making. If all else fails, turn to porn.
In this post I will cover a few topics, albeit all on making the forum experience a enjoyable and fruitful one.
1. Forum and its Subforums
2. How to be heard
The Forum and its subforums
Here at Soft, we have quite a few subforums.
These are forums meant to group various topics to make the forum tidy.
Message From Us- This is the forum for James to make announcements. Strictly no bullshitting here.
General Discussion
Kopitiam - When it says anything under the sun, it means you post what the other forums cannot accomodate.
Feedback and suggestion - For suggestions and feedback to James, as the name implies.
Gigs and Concerts - No elaboration needed.
Open Mic - For SOFTies to post their own musical works. While posting comments/feedback, please be constructive and polite.
Self Intro - No elabortation needed.
Drums And Percussion
Gear, Drums - Talk about the latest drums and gears here. Duh.
People, Drums - This is for SOFTies to talk about the drummers they've seen, love and want to discuss about. NOT for recruiting of drummers.
How To, Drums - Post about techniques, etc, you get the idea.
Gear, Guitar - Talk about pedals, guitars whatever related. Do not post your gear talk in the kopitiam, for goodness sake. And do not ask for videos of guitarists or tabs, those belong in the People or How To section.
People, Guitar - Talk about guitarists, not for recruiting people.
How To, Guitar - For advice or to give advice on techniques, problems, so forth.
Bass, Keyboards, Synths
Same as guitar forum, but for the instruments of that forum.
Musicians Market
Musicians Wanted, Available
These are the forums for you to recruit members, do not spam the People, (insert instrument here) sections.
Those are the forums with problems, people mixing up where to post and so forth.
How To Be Heard
1. Please type properly, with punctuation and spelling that is comprehensible. We aren't asking you to be a grammar nazi, but going "omgineedaguitarsobadcananyonehelpme?" is not only bad looking, it's irritating.
2. Make your point specific. Going like "Which is the BEST guitar?" isn't exactly very descriptive.
3. Have a positive attitude, the members will help you more.
4. Points management. You can have multiple questions in a single page instead of 5000000000 different threads for each question. This makes you look less retarded.
5. Do NOT post the same topic in many forums multiple times, it just makes everyone pissed at you.
That's the point I'm making. If all else fails, turn to porn.