Greenday - wake me up when september ends (Cover)

the guitars were very consistant , thats a compliment , the bass and acoustics were good too but vocals , i LIKED that song now
I enjoyed listening to that :) While the vocals do need training, they are already good. I think "needs a miracle" is far too harsh. If you're going to criticize, list the areas that need improvement.

As for showmanship and confidence, those make up for any other problems. That singer is a talented performer.

As for what needs work in the vocals, your pitching sounds slightly off for a lot of the song. I notice it especially in the first "like my father's come to pass, 7 years has gone so fast". You're more often flat than sharp.
haDI ... just listen to yourself sing.. i tought it was decent . you got the crowd going . you seemed like you liked being up there and it was decent man . i would sit thru the whole performance. as a vocalist i say you got potential buddy! mute the dont need a miracle.
hey ShyamRaj,

Thanks thanks for the nice words.... actually i am a guitarist not a singer .. heheheh well bro see you at defcon 6.. what time your band performing...