Trust me, i have 15 over Strats, and experimented a lot on Pickups. DiMarzios, Seymour Duncans, Fender SCNs, Toneriders, etc. I have ranked a few here in the best order (better ones start from left), only if you are looking for a whole lot of classical Mojo and Bluesy sound your choice is on the left, for Rock towards the right:
1. Neck: HARMONIC DESIGN Vintage Plus, Van Zandt Vintage Neck, Fender SCN, Seymour Duncan Cool Rail
2. Middle: HARMONIC DESIGN Vintage Plus, Van Zandt Vintage Middle, DiMarzio Billy Corgan, Seymour Duncan Cool Rail
3. Bridge: HARMONIC DESIGN Vintage Plus, Van Zandt Vintage Bridge, DiMarzio ToneZone, Seymour Duncan Hot Rails
Harmonic Design is very expensive and will take six weeks to arrive if you order. Slow shipment but worth the wait. Scott Peterson does a wonderful job for the pickups. He's my fav pick up maker.
For Rock type (Heavy Metal sound) choose Seymour Duncan Cool Rails for Neck and Middle, and Hot Rails for Bridge.
and Nothing else Matters!