good looking drummers leh???

alright this was meant to be a joke.
you ppl forgot about the DRUMMERS!!!
since you guys ask whos the handsom-est guitarists and all,who do you think is the best looking drummer??
obviously me la! haha just kidding, not very familiar with singapore drummers, but joey jordison looks nice+big forehead, lolz
haha anyone good looking can just whack something and claim they play drums what. :lol:
i think if he meant good "looking" drummers then thats me!! looking out for visual cues from the other instrumentalist haha... thank you thank you!
all the drummers I've know or worked / jammed with are damm ugly.....

none nominated :twisted:
WAIT! ......

except for maybe Kaze from Lights of Orion .... chio bu ... dun hav pix doe