good guitar teacher(wanted)

Go to allmusic in parklane. I've heard that the guitar instructor got a degree in music from the university john petrucci attended.
It depends on your existing skill set. If you are a complete noobie, you will benifit from any beginners lessons from yamaha or CC or any private music school.

Theory is quite important as it's the foundation on which you built your skill.
It helps you 'grow'.

If you already got those, I'm afraid it's quite difficult to find a suitable teacher to progress your skill. Maybe easy to find teachers to teach you techniques you never tried before, but mostly can be found on books or video courses.

Of course, it's like bodybuilding, practise makes perfect, if you learn new stuff but only spend 10mins on it everyday, will take forever or loose patience. Most do as they just fall back to what they are comfortable with. You must commit 1-2hrs per day maybe take 1 day off per week.
I heard that the pros spend 8/10/12/14 hrs a day on the git. So depends to the individual.

Good luck on your endeavors.

NB. Don't mind me, my skills are not in music, more to the craft instead.

Mikemann Music Studio
stars said:
is self learning from e web + a group of frens Ok ? can it like work out succesfully ?

It's good but you will learn more with a qualified instructor. And the instructor can spot your mistakes and correct them where when you're self learning, you mostly oblivious to your own mistake and there's no one to correct you.
Self learning easily leads to a very narrow skill set. I see countless of dudes just able to power chord and a little lead only. Anything else is a blur to them.

You will hughly benifit if you did not start that way. Get the proper music theory and basic foundations that schools provide. That's what they are for.

Yes, you can find all the documentation you need on the web. But the web is hardly a place to set you on a proper course to follow before you develop on your own. You can easily "Zhou Huo Lu Mo" if you know what I mean.

Mikemann Music studio
mikemann said:
Self learning easily leads to a very narrow skill set. I see countless of dudes just able to power chord and a little lead only. Anything else is a blur to them.

You will hughly benifit if you did not start that way. Get the proper music theory and basic foundations that schools provide. That's what they are for.

Yes, you can find all the documentation you need on the web. But the web is hardly a place to set you on a proper course to follow before you develop on your own. You can easily "Zhou Huo Lu Mo" if you know what I mean.

Mikemann Music studio

yes i agree....i did not have a proper guitar teacher reasons because i can't afford $$. After playing for 8 months , i still do that retarded alternate picking method...i can't even pick like slash where the hand motion is small...mines big and looks dumb. I hit sour notes ands stuff.
wad if u have a classical bkgrd instead like me.. is it better to start all over wif a beginner elec guitar course.. or find some pro to help me in my transition.. kind of phobic abt music schs.. got a very bad experience where e instructors delay n delay, n e end i achieved nothing much..
i would suggest go look for a private guitar teacher... much more effective... if u wanna go yamaha learn electric... only look for Rosli.. i heard he is good... the rest of the teachers i got feedback say they din learn much... just my 2 cents worth.... :lol:
i would suggest go look for a private guitar teacher... much more effective... if u wanna go yamaha learn electric... only look for Rosli.. i heard he is good... the rest of the teachers i got feedback say they din learn much... just my 2 cents worth.... :lol:
mikemann.. self study is not that bad at all man BUT you need to put down whatever stuff YOU KNOW that need to be worked out.. only then you can progress.. i learn improvising from this book called "learn how to play lead guitar" i bought it at some shop in perth.. it comes with a demo cd and stuff.. and its good.. today, i thank that lil bastard(the book).. :lol:
dhalif said:
mikemann.. self study is not that bad at all man BUT you need to put down whatever stuff YOU KNOW that need to be worked out.. only then you can progress.. i learn improvising from this book called "learn how to play lead guitar" i bought it at some shop in perth.. it comes with a demo cd and stuff.. and its good.. today, i thank that lil bastard(the book).. :lol:

Yes, I do agree that a few individuals can actually have the discipline and natural ability to self learn. Actually most people will self learn most of the things by them self.

But Most people need somewhere to kick off their learning. Which is the reasons of being for schools.

This I mean the FOUNDATION, which is utmost important when embarking on new skill.

So we should not write off the schools and organisations so easily, if so they won't be around anymore, especially when we need them. Go and support schools which gives a good and well rounded ciriculrum. Reccomend the ones with caring teachers who really care for their students, and put down those who just want to make money.

Mikemann Music Studio
offy1 said:
wad if u have a classical bkgrd instead like me.. is it better to start all over wif a beginner elec guitar course.. or find some pro to help me in my transition.. kind of phobic abt music schs.. got a very bad experience where e instructors delay n delay, n e end i achieved nothing much..

Hi, don't be dishearted. Actually classical players have a better foundation in fingering techniques. So you are already somewhere to progress onwards. You might need a 1-1 to kick off your interest in electric guitar. Look around and ask around for 1-1 teaching, maybe at parklane area.

Good luck on your endeavours

Mikemann Music Studio.
with classical music background, i think you should be able to cope well with the transition...think ynwie...classically trained.

however, it also depends on where you are now (classical)...if you're in the 'higher' grade range, it'll be easy for you. however, u may get culture shock...hehe...

i did pick up basic skill @yamaha, under patrick, but it was beez who set me trying to improvise and think you should look out is how the 'old birds' approach a new song...and that is the way to learn...

5 cents worth... =)
Yngwie is not classically trained..he is entirely self-taught. Which makes it all the more remarkable that he could pioneer a whole style of playing called 'neo-classical'.
im an average classical guitarist la.. not extremely pro, but can play fairly well.. parklane gotta a lot of teachers leh.. any specific recommendations from experience?? or else gotta go banging door to door liao.. concerto..!

hey..i'm currently learning classical guitar at music concerto (westmall)..still beginner..but the teacher(mr randy) is good..he wrote his own guitar books! cool eh? & the people in music concerto all very friendly one..including me. hahaha.. :lol: it's not those boring ol' music schools..y'know? there are other guitar courses like, electric, bass & accoustic..but only classical guitar course is "moving" towards to ABRSM certificate, from grade1 - 8. :wink: if u're interested, can let me know. here's my email add: . or you can PM me.. heh.. :mrgreen:
offy1 said:
im an average classical guitarist la.. not extremely pro, but can play fairly well.. parklane gotta a lot of teachers leh.. any specific recommendations from experience?? or else gotta go banging door to door liao..

i dunno bout much bout teachers or wad but i got this rite feel about zack from musicfactory on top of parklane shopping centre ... zack is pro ... really really good and he is very friendly ( tt time my fren and the noob me went there and ask him and like he bothered to take time to talk to us noobs give us advice ... i mean ... few people do tt for NON-paying just looking around for a chat noobs like us ... really appreciated his help !) he does one on one or small group for about four lessons abt an hour each at about 100 i tihnk ...

i m not advertising ... i m just stating wad i feel bout the nice dudes in singapore
Being a private teacher myself, just wanted to let u guys know abt Justin Ho [formerly from progressive metal band Aphellion], he graduated from Berklee - teaches anything from basic beginner guitar to advanced shred wizardry [multi-genres]. Those seeking guidance should check him out, to widen your options. cheers. :)

Paul Danial.

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