good dream theatre songs

I dig most dream theater album

But my most fav would be images n words.

To name a few songs.

1) Learning to live
2) Metropolis ( fantastic lyrics, fantastic music arrangement).
the bestest song by dream theater has to be the whole of Scenes from a Memory, second place must be images and words. i personally feel the worst song is """"""I WALK BESIDE YOU""""". They must be feeling damned ashamed of themselves now to have written something so cockup... haha!!
i like all the DT albums, but i really dig some of the older albums, namely falling into infinity, awake and images and words. personally i feel those albums tend to be more melodic and petrucci's solos are tastier...

listen to peruvian skies, voices, lie, space-dye vest, new millenium, take away my pain, trial of tears, metropolis, pull me under, learning to live... i can only think of these now, but there are much more... just gotta listen to all of them 8)
I found most if not all of DT songs totally player-unfriendly. But the two best albums in my opinion has to be Images and Words and Awake.

I partially agree with you EvilGtr.

Their songs are super intriguing & innovative & some keyboard solos sounded somewhat like a guitar solos. I seen thru the tabs & try it out & I had a really hard time, but once you put your heart to it, it wont be that unfriendly as you tink it to be :)

I bought the Metropolis dvd at Vietnam & it rocks!! John Pet's da Man!!

Just a sidepoint : Do you guys dig Liquid Tension Exp?
lol yea i know what u mean. That's precisely what i meant by player-unfriendly... playable... but i prolly need twice to thrice the time to play a dt song as compared to a normal rock song sigh

Woah I'm way past through Chords Thrashing days of Blink182 & the likes.

I dig more complex stuffs nowadays.
gordonzz said:
how can you all forget "THE SPIRIT CARRIES ON'' & and "HOLLOW YEARS"???????

8) 8) 8)

Relax la gordonzz, we do remember, but maybe diff people diff taste of music & preferences?

Why thank you :) For all the X-Jap fans out there, our dear SOFTie sLapshock has kindly uploaded some bootlegs of them in concert. Check it out at the Official X-Japan Thread in SOFT forum.