God Is Able - Hillsong Live (guitar cover/demo)


Cover of fairly new Christian song. Hope I'm not breaking any rules here. Recorded ampless.

MIJ Strat - RC Booster - BB Preamp - Tone Press - 2x DD20 - Mbox2 - Reaper amp plugin. Audio was recorded first, followed by video. Guitar panned hard right, original track on the left. 720p also gives the best sound quality.

The main delay is a dotted eighth. 2nd one is set to quarters, standard delay with the tone rolled back so it's pretty warm. More for ambience than anything. I run them in series, with the dotted eighth delay first.
Yeah, guessed it would be something like that. Good to know how other people do it cos I usually have dotted 8ths with reverb, or quarter note before dotted 8ths.

Anyway keep it up! I might give the Reaper amps another try after hearing this
No rules on delay really, whatever sounds good to you should be fine. As for the amp sim, I'm using their Fender Deluxe/Tweed model, with an eq added to increase the treble. Youtube's compression makes it sound a tad piercing though.