
why are so many pple getting worked up over this newbie?
learn to chill, people. what he does doesn't affect you.

frankly, there's a different between a genuine newbie and attention seeker.

I join many guitar forums and this is the first time I saw a newbie asking if need push up, pull up to play guitar and now about wearing glove. We all been newbie. Did it ever cross our mind about those two things when we start to get in touch with guitar?

So I guess soon we will hear "do we need to take PHd in wood taxonomy to understand about guitar wood tone before learning guitar?" :D
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awesome reply...not flaming threadstarter :)

i also newbie now thinking of increasing my post counts

haha...kidding...but seriously, the only celeb who wore gloves and got away with it is Michael Jackson and Nicolas Cage(ghost rider) and nicholas cage didnt even wear it all the time...
gloves won't be a bad idea if you're playing in the arctic circle, hey, if you make it you might have a concert in siberia!
Another neat trick to make your pick more grip-friendly. Use a nail, and puncture multiple small dents on either side (dun punch through, although also can larz...). Creates little holes in it that improves grip (I didn't say anything it not slipping EVA~!)
But seriously, wouldn't a glove be a hindrance if you wanna tap or something like that?

Not if you wear this kind of gloves:

The problem with these is that your fretting hand now will not be very comfortable around the neck. Then again, some people like it. I've seen 80s glam rock bassists use these, though for what, I don't know... Maybe just to look cool.
It's not the into the soundhole problem, it's like the song sounds so crappy when you can't even play the whole thing without stoping unecessarily

Actually, kuang89 is right. If the pick IS the problem, why not try developing a style of fingerpicking? Like Markknopfler, Eric Clapton, John Mayer etc etc... You'll be a much better player if you learn to use fingers, and on top of that, your tone will be killer!!!

I would have thought that with sweaty palms, the real problem would be the neck. Ernieball Wonderwipes would help that part muchly!!!
Cannot... sweat is corrosive... will eat away the glue... Whahahahaha!!!!:mrgreen:

hhahahha okay then i guess it has to be surgically attached. TS, please try to solve this kinda minor problems yourself. dont post such questions like this anymore, only ask sincere questions that u really need help, like for example ur les paul exploding or something like that
well ive tried playing with gloves at times.. during jamming..
and the good part of it, it doesnt corrode the strings at the bridge of the guitar..
so palmmute frenzy ppl wont have to change the strings often..
but the "feel" isnt there.. the hand feels "fat"
for slipping picks, i nvr heard that before but maybe can try a thinner pick

well i dunno abt u guys, but gloves are orite... it doesnt cause murder