Gigs in Singapore - what you like to see?

What kinda bands would you like to see in a gigs

  • Bands play Original only but without a album

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  • Bands play Original only but with a album

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bands play 50% originals and 50% cover

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bands play cover only

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  • Total voters
i'd say a mix of both. the covers to warm the crowd up a little and then you play some originals and put one or two covers in between.

i know there's a heckload of gigs going on. haven't had that much of an opportunity to go since i've been drowned by work.

what appeals to me in a gig is the down-to-earth-ness of the bands. the fact that they play music because its their passion. no airs, no wannabes, no posers. just people who love making (good, comprehensible and palatable) music.

but thats just me. and my opinions are subjective.

Great discussion going on.

1. BG asked whether my gigs draw crowd.

It really depends on who we are doing the gigs for. Almost all gigs do it for the audience except for me, I did it for the bands. It's different objective and different philosophy.

2. Originals or covers.

It depnds again on who you are doing gigs for...ha ha. If you are doing for the audience, then you hae to find out what kind of audience are you performing to before you decide what to give them. Personally I prefer origonals because I did gigs for the bands and I want them to showcase their own creations. When we want to promote local music, it also mean local composition, not imported ones. I don't think that there is such a thing call bad originals. It just happens to be bad.

3. Should there be more gigs?

Honestly, as an organizer I feel the competition when more gigs surfaced. But what the hack!! Competition brings about improvement. But, what James may be referring to are gigs for the sake of gigging. Just to feel shiok that I can put together a gig. James was right in that it is easy to put a gig together, especially for those with deep pockets. It is the integrity and professionlism that really counts. In the process of the whole gig, the real person behind the gig will surface. Whether he is a slipshot or a detailed person, whether he is using other bands to make his own band look good on stage, whether he is respectful of others and whether he is sensitive to small things etc etc. That is why some gigs are famous for delay, some gigs do last minute line-up, some gigs show discrimination between different bands.

4. What about paying bands?

I just came back from a gig where Jive Talkin was one of the bands. I was told by the sound people that they got paid $10K for a show 10pm to 2am.

The truth is all bands want to be paid and all organizers prefers not to. There is no set benchmark now, but I believe there will be in the near future. The economics will adjust itself when more good bands come on to the paying platform. But they will still have to compete with good bands who can do for free.
Hi heartrocksingapore, great to hear you're doing gigs for he local bands which not alot of people can do that due to funding and support. just wondering would the bands feel bad/dishearted when there's no one or only few turn out on the gigs? i believe a successful gigs really made up of the performers and the audiences. if the bands play infront of a empty space... wouldn't it be like jamming in the studio... Thats my opinion and is subjective.... Don't flame me. :) and you're right, there's no such thing as bad original, and music is subjective too. anyway, you did a good jobs in organising so much gigs for the bands.. clap clap :) as for the comment for Jive Talking was paid $10k. i think they are in a different league. they do top 40 music full time for their rice bowl and they earn their names by being in the industry for a long time... so i think they have their market. i think the only reason for bands that do gigs for free is because they're not doing full time in music or they're loaded. Bands need to pay for their jamming/time/instruments/effects/efforts/recording and so much more. think is only good if the local organiser/producer give them a small token if possible. but if the gigs is a non-profitable one. then i think the bands should not ask for any cause the organiser is doing it for a good cause. Organiser do play a big part in the local scene too and they too put in alot of efforts. :) actually, everybody in the local scene play a parts in uplifting it. :)
HeartRockSingapore said:
Great discussion going on.

2. Originals or covers.
... I don't think that there is such a thing call bad originals. It just happens to be bad.

You lost me there. 8O

You mean they just happen to be an original and a bad song right? That was what I meant.
This is a tough topic. I think Mr heartrock already has seen a pretty good number of bands performing and audience reaction. In the end, it's the organiser or the organising society to set the requirements and goals for the gigs.

If it's just for the bands to have exposure to live playing, of course we cannot expect a good crowd. As some band play well, others suck badly. The band should not be dishearten to a poor response, if they are, it means they are doing it for themselves only, like a passing fad. Every band have dreams of becoming "rock stars", and we can say 9 outta 10 bands do not really cut it as perfromers. So most bands will want to at least play live to an audience once. This is where you get poor quality gigs, most of the bands have limited or no exposure before. After it's said and done, most likely it will simmer down to "Yeah, we already done that, and the crowd and the scene sucks". But the truth is that these bands just cannot deliver.

Actually with proper funding, we could have a proper gig circuit where up and coming bands can train, gain exposure and become popular. It don't need to be costly too, as a rookie circuit can be setup with low operating budget. Maybe if Mr Heartrock is keen, we can discuss more on this.

Hopefully the rookie circuit will evolve to include a semi-pro and pro circuit.
If you are in a band and aren't doing it as a semi day job, then just play all originals. You'll be doing yourself and others down the road a favour simply by just being more proficient and confident in the songwriting/performance aspect and providing a standard for others to surpass.

Oh and as a band you have to be truthful to yourself. If you suck, be aware that you suck and figure out which bit needs to be changed, and if you don't, be aware that there are many more bands/performing groups out there that are a lot better.
veganbleu said:
If you are in a band and aren't doing it as a semi day job, then just play all originals. You'll be doing yourself and others down the road a favour simply by just being more proficient and confident in the songwriting/performance aspect and providing a standard for others to surpass.

Yeah... you're right ... agreed with you. :)
HR gigs were for anybody, rookies or no rookies. It started with Sylvster Sim's LeZFier playing for us for the first 3 gigs when no one else was interested to play at our gigs. I literally had to beg and explain the hell out of it. It's easier now. Just say you have a gig and you get dozens of bands flocking to you. To date we had 14 gigs behind us in 2004.

HRS will continue to do gigs wherever possible. We are in the next phase and doing a lot of other things, but we will not abandon the basics, which is to let young bands gig.

With regards to bands facing no audience and become disheartened, I have always tell the bands just to enjoy themselves on stage. A true professional performs for ONE man as well as for a MILLION man. If you can't even perform well for that one man, how can you perform to a million man? Take this people, this are words of true life experience.
Well said there... :) clap clap..... in a way, HRS really help the young bands nature in Singapore. really happy to see this. but my point is audiences play big part in the music industry. let's put it this way. if we keep having gigs that doesn't have much crowds.... sponsors would go away, awareness to the public about local music wouldn't be there, everything would suffer... chain reaction... i saying that everyone is in the music industry is link... musicians, audience, organiser or whatever you can think of. if one link is down.... the others would go down too. :) again... my own opinion. : :o
Heehee.... my idea of a rookie gig circuit does not cost much, should be mainly self funded.

Each performing band likely pay as much as they would when they go on a jamming sessions (eg. $35-$50), so this will go to cover the cost of equipments already. I think this is very fair, as what they get in return is live training, experience and self-examination, better than going to a jam session. Between 8-12 bands will cover one day's gig, likely start at noon, ends at evening.

For my end, I can cover the equipments for the gigs. Venue wise will depend largely on Mr HeartRock.

The venue is constant, same place all the time, so as it becomes reference place or familar venue. The audience community also could grow faster as a result. (Kovan hub is a very good venue I have in mind). Only thing will have to depend on Mr Heartrock whether this is a good idea and his support.

Bands can emerge from this humble beginnings to their potentials.

So, what's your thoughts Mr HeartRock??
HeartRockSingapore said:
With regards to bands facing no audience and become disheartened, I have always tell the bands just to enjoy themselves on stage. A true professional performs for ONE man as well as for a MILLION man. If you can't even perform well for that one man, how can you perform to a million man? Take this people, this are words of true life experience.

no truer words have ever been spoken :D
The grassroots make a lot of complaint about the 2nd Jan gig we had. MP was trying to help but you know lah.... I cannot say too cos some may be reading the forum here. Now you see how difficult to organize gigs...

But no disheartening... I am putting together a plan to have a permanent gig venue. If that succeeds, hallelujah, we'll get to gig mor frequently.
HeartRockSingapore said:
The grassroots make a lot of complaint about the 2nd Jan gig we had. .

Hi, mmm... if you really need any help on your organisation. do tell me. willing to help. :) i think gigs organiser always have this kenna complain problem... :) don't be dishearted.:)
mikemann said:
Each performing band likely pay as much as they would when they go on a jamming sessions (eg. $35-$50...

Hi Mikemann,
Do you mean you want he bands to pay for the gigs? mmm.... in this case i think the bands would organise their own gigs cause they actually can do what they want. :)
Since currently there is no other means to fund the gig. I guess that this is one of the only option.

It's very tough, everyone can talk all they want about how fantastic they want to organise gigs, you will hear crickets chirping when you ask "so where are we gonna to get the money from".
Even at a measly budget of $300 for example, it's tough. This is bottomline, crunch time.

Bands can of course organise their own gigs, but performing is one thing and organising is another thing. Everyone can bitch about the faults of organiser, but when they take on that role, then they understand what is involved, its not easy.

On the issue of grassroots not having a favourable impression, I guess would be so. If you have complains of noise pollution coming from residents, it could mean you could lose a few votes, so that means a lot.

That's why the organiser must set the guidelines for the gig. If it's held in a residential area, the bands MUST BE MADE TO comply by not cranking up their volume. The sound systems chosen for such events should only throw the sound as far as the intended audience only.

So you see, how is it possible to keep EVERY SINGLE PARTY happy??? It's really very tough, but must be done. If you want to stay for long in the circuit, the task will be too big for most people to handle. Thus we must have an open mind when being critisized.

Thus I understand Mr HeartRock's position, and respect him totally. Cause it's very tough on him to give support contiunously.

From my standpoint, as I am a businessperson, I will definately think about how the funding can be covered first before jumping the gun on other issues. Unless we are able to put our wallet where our mouth is, I think it's more prudent to be careful in what we boast we can do.

(I have experienced first hand where the organiser is super Yah Yah, wants this, wants that, everything said and done, and it's time to pay up on the equipment, all the cock and bull comes out, and finally dissappear without paying)
i do agreed with you on certain topic and ofcause i do experience yah yah organiser and when come to payment..... ayeeeeehhhhhh..... anyway, i think funding of gigs is always hard. and to ask the bands to fork out the money would surely suffer in the long term run for our scene. :? anyway, have did sound for a few gigs and i find that some time is not the volume of the gigs which make them complain about it. is the music. :P try putting a karaoke contest and a bands gig side by side with the same volume. see who would be complain. :) that's once i use a sound meter on a metal gigs in a C.C which measures only 80+db on the sound desk. but then i got complain from the C.C chairman. :x what can i say? is just that most of our people is not really open interm of music. maybe everyone can think of somewhere how can we promote the awareness of the local music and educate the mass about good local music. :)
Heehee.... even myself, I am quite open minded and listen to softies music all the way to death metal kind. I will also cringe at the "music" that some bands produce.

Heehee... I keep my trap shut, cause I just doing my job. Unless my equipment is abused, I give every band their due respect.

Noise pollution is still a form of pollution like smell. We can't violate other people rights to a pollution free enviornment, that's why one factor in consideration is whether the gig is more suitable behind closed doors or in the open.
just for ponder ...

do you feel that a specially packaged gig webcast on SOFT will reach more audience compared to a gig held at say, Youth Park or Substation?

Cause if our aim is to reach out to more audience, then we should think about alternate ways of delivery.