New member
1st gig that i think u need to make an awesome impact.
1st step. a mesa boogie dual or even rectifier with a 4x12 cab and than for other guitarist buy a peavery 6150+ with a 4x12 cab. or a HiWatt, or Marshall JCM 800, etc.. or something nice and tubey
2. for bassist go get a 8x10 ampeq with a SVTPro4 head. u need that wattage to cut thru 2 guitards with the above set-up
3. drums. bring a trigger and a dedicated roadie to set it up. faster that way.
4. singer bring own mic unless u wanna taste the previous band saliva.
well u can use the distortion/od from those amps those are good enuff, u might wanna add modulation and what not, u can also bring your own sound engineer and brief him what type of sound u wanna achieve. depending on venue u may or may not need to mic the amps or di the bass.
Imagine all that... When a band plays like shit. I've had to use 15 watt solid state amps to amplify a school hall of a few hundred screaming teenagers. Now, that's nasty.