Gibson Pricing

Buying online is a good idea. Or you can get a used LP Std (2-3K depending on condition). If you don't mind paying overpriced Gibson with less-than-forthright "discount", I'm sure you know where to go to! :smt036
I would recommend going the 2nd route if your looking for Gibsons. Price tags on new ones are a tad hefty. 2nd hand ones have a mroe reasonable price tag. If you decide you don't like it you canm pretty much sell it for how much you bought it for.
Given Gibson's QC is not up to par yet, I strongly suggest that you play them firsthand before purchasing.

"If you have seen one les paul, you have seen one les paul" this famous saying from thegearpage sure is true.
i agree. there are very good ones and thre are lemons. You have to play through them buying sight unseen is not a good idea.
Thanks for the input guys! ordering a les paul unplayed is sort of a risk? Unless of course the seller really does check the guitar out?
Sellers as in online sellers? Well they can check the guitar out and show you pictures and all that but you also have to factor in shipping and hope and pray nothing goes wrong or the guitar doesn't get banged up.

This advise has been given many times, either buying guitar or gear, go down and try it before making any decisions. And $2k+ is a huge price tag to pay if you get lemons....
ben, I think buying a guit without seeing it and playing/hearing it is basically not so advisable. Of course, one would have to weigh the cost vs risk. So it's not just Les Pauls. Any kinda guits. Of course, Fender Jap has reputably good QC, so one would feel less worried abt making an online purchase from ishibashi for those, plus the price tag is ard 1k, so it makes parting w the cash much easier.

That's also a reason why physical guitar shops can hold higher prices on the guits. Ppl can come in and see the actual guit and try it out for themselves. Beats an online order hands down, in terms of ensuring satisfaction of purchase.
buying a guitar online IMO is a big risk. at that kinda money, you just have to inspect your ware before parting with cash. i'd concur what others have stated- get a guitar after you've auditioned it.

however, my latest acquisition- Edwards ELP85- was ordered without trying, simply based on the other models in store + considering the reputation of the manufacturer, i have very little doubt that what i would receive would be disappointing 8)
Heh I'm fully aware of the pitfalls of buying online, but I do save a LOT when doing so though. Kenneth, the price difference between buying it online (plus shipping) and buying it from you know where is about 1.5 - 2k. Seriously. Those who wish to know where I get my info from please do pm me.

Haha.. I once ordered a standard tele from japan, which turned out to be quite poorly made/set up. Sigh. Perhaps a second hand one would be in order eh? One that I can test first. Or just wait till the next end-of-year sale? hahaha
4k ?? 6k?? for a pieces of wood put together with strings ...... Armaggedon it defienatly just around the corner ... :evil: depends. If you have played the same model or almost nearest models and you know what you are expecting, its okay to order new items online. when Gibson faded LP was selling 4k plus in Swee Lee, ishibashi was listed 2.4k SGD without shipping. Shipping to Singapore is about 150 SGD which is actually not bad and you dont need to pay Japan tax but GST is still applied tho.