Gibson Les Paul DC


New member
Hey, I went to Guitar77 that day to go look for guitars, and they had pretty decent ones, but i saw one that was rather odd, cos I had never seen nor heard about it before.

That. The salesperson said it was a double cutaway version of the les paul studio, and that it was no longer in production. It was going for the price of $1800, when the actual studio was $2400. He said it was cos it used less wood. Is it true? Cos if yes I'm gonna reserve it :mrgreen:

Please don't try to beat me to the guitar, cos there was only 1 copy left :(
heh, before this, only people who pass by, go in to the shop will see. With this thread, now a lot more people will know that g77 has that geetar, without passing by there...
Lol. Gibson's GOTM this month is this long horn thing-.- Is it worth to get a gibson which don't look like gibson? Blackwood sell standards for a few hundred more.
I have something similar, in black. I tried the one at the shop, plays great! You should reserve it, it's been on there for quite a long time already, don't lose the chance to others!

was this what you saw?
