one day i was going back home and i meet this friend of my.he was a RP at my camp(army camp)so we started to talk about music den we talk about guitar n he told me that a guy from our camp talk to him about this guitar topic.he told my friend that gibson guitar no good but Ltd guitar is better than gibson guitar.the moment i heard this word i was laughing to my head off.why someone who dont even know what is a A-minor(guitar chord) could say such thing?is he,what we should call an idiot?is he acting like 'boy-who-know-everything'?hahaha..this guy is a wannabe but he does know that gibson guitar is the best guitar,better that Ltd guitar.maybe he is a promoter from Ltd guitar pte ltd.hahahahahahah
i just hope that guy do his research carefully
what a jerk!!!!!
i just hope that guy do his research carefully
what a jerk!!!!!