Getting X japan sound with limited amp/pedals

AND hide! so you're they one that took away our nick! hahaha. I always wanted my nick to be hide. =(

I remember I heard that before from another bro too :)

*and reply to psyence: Those info were from the tab book of live live live, hide doesn't use delay much as far as i heard. There should be a page in the book that states the effects used on each song, I don't have that page though. I have Sugizo's, if i can find the book that is lying somewhere in some box.
err...their tone changed from album to album...
so no point trying to copy...
instead, just trial n error n develop ur own sound perhaps?
thanks for the reply. think i'm gonna wait for the peavey vypyr series to ship to sg which is later this year. Heard good stuffs about it. =)