Getting a Schecter


New member
Hi guys, I'm thinking of getting a Schecter. Before that, I have some questions:p

Firstly, which stores bring in Schecter and, generally, how much are they? It'd be helpful to know the prices of C-1 Custom, FR Custom and FR Standard since I have these models in mind.

Also, is there anything else that I need to look out for?

Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks! :)
Davis has Schecters as well but no Custom. btw, collecting my (Schecter) order this coming Monday
Collecting mine at Davis tmr!
I think Davis sells them cheaper than Guitar77. (Someone correct me if i'm wrong)
Never ever get from G77.

You can try Davis guitars for Schecters.
Or if you can wait, bgwguitars is a good option too.

Why never to buy from Guitar77?

Yeah, why?

Nice guitar =)

I think Davis is the new distributor for Schecter guitars.

Oh I see, thanks. I'll find time to go down and check the prices =)
the Schecters @ Davis are fast going- within a few days of the new stock arriving in-store, the good stuff are all snapped up.
got 2 guitars from and

no problem n fit comfortably with what i want.

if TS needs to try, get help from softies who owns the model you want.
then you can purchase online.

US shops are targetting international market since their local business are depreciating,

they wont trade a badly manu guitar just cos you are an oversea buyer.
why never buy from guitar77?

i've bought a ton of stuff there before and they have EXCELLENT service and very competitive pricing.

the only thing is, they don't suffer fools and cork sniffers. don't behave like an ass and you'll be hard pressed to find another guitar store around that treats you so well.
I bought mine hellraiser avenger from ebay. its a b-stock so it was cheaper but up till now i still cant see the flaws. Anyway my point is that you can go try at either davis or guitar77, if u like it u can ship it online if its cheaper and u are willing to take the risk, cos thats what i did.
If you're buying from why not musicians friend?

Well, I'm looking at the C-1 models and have a C-1 Plus model that appears to be cheaper before shipping and all, compared to musiciansfriend. But anyway, I'm still keeping my options open since I intend to keep the guitar with me for quite a long time :D