Getting a new guitar!

Budget marshalls are pretty much work of shit. Their neither here nor there.
Not really worth getting a marshalls unless your getting their valvestate and tube kinda stuff. For heavy distortion amplifiers on a budget Randall's are definately the shit to use. Actually for practise more rather then on budget.

For practise use these are my picks Orange Crush 30 for classic rock , Randall V2XM ninja Metal or Vox VT30 versatility.
i got a hurricane susie by morris guitar,
and a laney amp..
its old anyway..dun mind selling =]
I think it's not just the Marshall MGs, I think it is solid-state amplifiers in general. A common trait for them to have terrible distortion tones. Too trebly, thin, sharp and raspy, not smooth like the distortion from a tube amplifier. I'm a solid-state man myself, but I don't touch their distortion. I prefer the clean tones because on a solid-state amplifier, it doesn't get distorted as you turn up the volume. So I can get a clean tone at any volume level.

For distortion, there are plenty of good pedals that would kick even a high wattage solid-state amplifier's distortion anytime. So I'd say, if you have a small wattage solid-state amplifier and it's distortion sucks, it's not going to do much good getting a similar thing from a different brand. If you want to not use any pedals, and just rely on amplifier, you're going to have to get a good tube amplifier like a Marshall JCM or Mesa Boogie, or Engl or Krank.
EngelFaeuste, ur german also upside down lol
why you all new 2009 members but play guitar so well & know a lot abt amps?

hyde, old guitars need tlc, (tender loving care)
how much u selling morris? my friend needs a amp..
not all but most of the time got to spend again for parts & such, etcs.
hehehe... said:
so.. before you end up spending more unnecessarily better get this sexy sx -


Sometimes there is no adequate expression in your native language for a concept.
you could say malicious delight at the misfortune of others, but why bother when it is neither as gleeful nor as mellifluous as Schadenfreude ist die schönste Freude.