

New member
Theres a happenin' getai performance at my block right now.
I went down for a look-see with the kids and we had a great time.

Does anyone know how you can get to play in a getai band?
Whats the going rate anyway?

Theres some young dudes in the band man. Seems like they're having fun!
Yep, it's fun to watch getai sometimes. The "po-to" or auction can be quite amusing to watch too, especially stuff like kid's tricycle can go as high as $200. IMO, it's simple, nostalgic, tracing memories back to own roots.

Don't know about playing in getai band though. But I guess you will be playing mostly Chinese oldies or "cabaret" songs and music only. I bet all the aunties, uncles, ah-peks, ah-sohs don't really dig Jimi's Little Wings! :D
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We gotta find out what is the trend among the underworld nowsadays

I think there is no live (!) music down there - I've never seen anyone burn guitars, drumsets, piano, etc.
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