Gear Shipping time


New member
Was just wondering..Anyone here experienced delays in shipping from international locations??

Im being anal..My pedal was to arrive within 7-10 days..its been 13 days....usually all the stuff arrives early...first one thats delayed so im worried :cry:

The builder didnt get a tracking number so its upto fate :evil:
My Fulldrive MOSFET is being sent via US Postal Service.

The expeced arrival date is 31st December. I made payment on the 1st.

waiting sucks
bluepowder said:
Was just wondering..Anyone here experienced delays in shipping from international locations??

Im being anal..My pedal was to arrive within 7-10 days..its been 13 days....usually all the stuff arrives early...first one thats delayed so im worried :cry:

The builder didnt get a tracking number so its upto fate :evil:

shipping a Timmy?? :D

anyway, you guys should really try and use Vpost.. esp if you got a few items you need to ship at one go.. it's safer and cheaper
hehe no...a few builders dont like to use Vpost....but no its not a timmy

And it arrived today :wink:

so its all good...

Review coming soon
hehe my rmc2 came to me a month back :lol:

okok I'll let the cat outta the bag..its a skreddy pinkmour....nice swirly pink graphics...psychadelic as hell....

Played through it for a while....i cant seemt to get over just holding one note .... marc is a genius really.....nails the gilmour sound.....sounds even better through single coils than my guitar....

Its got hellish amounts of gain...but you can still hear the articulation of every note..... :lol: ....

I realize im in my honeymoon lemme play on it a lil while more :wink:

'The Pinkmour is a standard (mid-hump, aka "cutting mids") Top Fuel. Pinkmour = Top Fuel = Mid Hump.....All Top Fuels have a mid hump (unless otherwise requested). Until recently I offered a "flat mids" version of the Top Fuel, but it never took off. But I have heard some feedback from folks who would like the Top Fuel to be able to darken up more at counter clockwise on the tone knob.

So I can do that for anybody who feels there's too much high end even at minimum tone setting on their Top Fuel.

From now on, I'm making them a bit "warmer" so it's a perfect compromise between mid hump and flat mids. It's voiced with a mid hump. There's plenty of midrange "cut" but it's also warm and will darken up at the minimum tone setting.' - Skreddy
My pedal arrived in 9days flat, via UPS, exactly what the builder predicted. I guess sometimes delays do happen, so don't worry.
Phil said:
My pedal arrived in 9days flat, via UPS, exactly what the builder predicted. I guess sometimes delays do happen, so don't worry.

When did you order it? Which period? Maybe Christmas is a bad time to get pedals...

Gawd this is not helping :(
bluepowder said:
Was just wondering..Anyone here experienced delays in shipping from international locations??

Im being anal..My pedal was to arrive within 7-10 days..its been 13 days....usually all the stuff arrives early...first one thats delayed so im worried :cry:

The builder didnt get a tracking number so its upto fate :evil:

I'm such a bonehead. I was actually tracking with the wrong company. Confused UPS for USPS.

Okay so... mine has been 13 days as well. I hope I have the same luck as you to have it come tommorrow.

Which shipping company was used for you?