Gallery 2006

ah heres something i just got...
a 1988 Orville by Gibson '61 Reissue.
comes standard with Gibson 'The original' pickups.

has a long neck tenon that extends almost the whole length of the neck pickup cavity.
also notice how the back strap button is, body has a slight angle at the back for it, guess it helps the strap to grip better.



OBG3.jpg gear... cant really compete with the gibbys and ibanezes here...awesome awesome stuff.... heres the only photo of my MIK epi lp goldtop. Will try to take better photos nxt time. Not really sure of the model though. Can anyone tell me how to check the model of the guitar using serial numbers? :oops:

for epiphones, theres no way to tell the model name from the serial number.
just have to guess by looking at the guitar.
since theres no P-90s on it, that would probably make it a regular LP standard.
the epi LP '56 Gold top has P-90s.
hi tvontheradio

i have the exact same guitar as you :)
Its a standard i think, it has all the 'standard' features except for the Gibson truss plate.
I did check out my serial no quite a while ago, mine was made in 2001 if i remembered correctly
sry for being a noob...butta...arent goldtops suppose to have "goldtops"? My goldtop has a maroon finish at the back not the normal wood colour goldtops have at the back...also has a "custom tag" behind the neck...bought it at a swee lee sale about 2 years back.. So in actual fact its a lp standard? :cry:
what custom tag? pics?
maroon color? you can still see the wood grain right? thats normal for epi.

gold-tops are also standards, but the one with P-90s is a particular reissue from '56.

just like how there are SG standards and SG '61 reissues etc etc.
yea , mine too. I got mine second hand, that guy who sold me told me its discontinued, i guess thats suppose to explain the slightly unusual features.

It doesnt says standard anywhere, but if i would to classify it , it would be a standard.