Gallery 2006

subversion said:
maybe, before that time comes, i'll be urging you to invest your money in some other singlecut guitars...

neuro182 said:
Edwards Les Paul.. If not, PRS Singlecuts

err ... ok im paise to ask tis Q here, but, wen u say singlecut, do u mean like those fancy desighn or set in neck kinda types or wat ah ??? :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

sorry im abit gundu wen it comes to some term, im more pictorial !!!

Thanx! :oops:
Singlecut is guitar with 1 cutaway design.. Most popular ones are Les Paul..

PRS had their Singlecut models (almost never came back when Gibson sue them for copyrighting).
Squier telecaster

Hi , this is my squier telecaster...







and some of my ibanez paul gilbert picks for sale, pm me to negotiate.

17wil said:
what the hell so manny thick?
and u had ur tele for how long already?
is it a double hum?

its around 0.9mm to 1mm i guess... it didn state on teh pick itself...

my tele is a HS, not HH.... the rust on the bridge, control plate, the tuners, the neck joint plate are unfortunately REAL! can see some rusty stains on my hand everytime i touch these parts and can smell the rusty smell too....
ok here are my Guitars...



These are it, haha



can u say Iero?! WHOA!~


AND YES, i Sleep on the floor because i dont have a proper bed, just a Huge Thick Mattress, haha~! NEXT!!~ :arrow:
Lol, Ummm well if u Search Frank Iero you'll know why...

Im not really sure which model it is, but it was at plaza singapura's Yamaha... I prefer my Burny to my Epiphone Les Paul though, :roll: i really wanted it to have the split diamond headstock emblem but only these for sale here so, ya
simple, i dont :wink:

if theres a need i usually turn the Tone down but still.... lol i dont need to switch when im playing "punk" songs which you know are just power chords most of the time....

but it gets the Toggle out of the way and the toggle is still there :arrow:

*Not really "punk" (sheesh) but just songs that dont require much acrobatics...
man...nice collection...but i does it sound like without tt toggle switch...which pickup does it utilise...
Bridge as always... it SOunds Wonderful Thru my amp~~ I know its hard to belive but its really better than the tone i started out with,

where can i upload samples ??