Gaga! Georgie! Gibson! And, er, Lily!


New member
JUST thought I’d put in some interesting* news for your pre-weekend consumption. (* And when I say “interesting”, I mean it’s interesting to me)

  • Georgina Chang, whom I used to think was the hottest DJ on radio, has come back to radio again, after a stint with ESPN Star. Her new job description is: Senior Creative Director, which means she has to jagah Lush 99.5FM and 987FM (which, curiously enough was where she started out from, if I remember correctly).

Georgie does desert – just kidding! (picture taken from Facebook – she wouldn’t let me near her own collection)

  • For musos: Gibson Guitars, the guys who brought Zakk Wylde to Singapore earlier this week, will launch Episode 3 of their Robot Guitar saga next week. Called Dusk Tiger, this one incorporates everything that Dark Fire has, plus a few new surprises to aid the playing experience. Only 1000 guitars will be made, with 500 released to international markets – the rest will be sold in the United States of How Come They Get 500 For Themselves While The Rest Of Us Don’t.

  • Lily Allen, one of the members of the “bad girl gone good but now many actually still be bad” posse, is apparently putting her singing career on hold for a career as a … wait for it…loverecord label owner. According to, she said she will take “one or two years off from recording and performing music” and was “just going to concentrate on doing some behind the scenes sort of stuff”.love If that’s not enough, Lily will also launch a fashion rental store, called Lucy In Disguise, in London with her sister, Sarah. If one of the collections includes diamonds, it can be called Lucy In Disguise With Diamonds! (Geddit? Geddit? I crack me up sometimes!)

  • And finally, you can now get the glam Heartbeats by Lady Gaga earphones in Singapore! It’s supposed to give you great sound (thanks to Monster, those guys who do audio cables) and style (thanks to Lady Gaga, who designed them).

As you may or may not know, these earphones were launched here earlier today. And our island is only the fourth place in Asia – after Japan, China and Hong Kong – where you can get them. If you find them anywhere else, they’re either second-hand or fakes. VERY LIMITED QUANTITY, so do your Christmas shopping like now. We’re predicting they’ll be sold out within a couple of weeks.

Well, that’s about it for now. Tune in tomorrow (which technically will be in 51, no, 50 minutes’ time) for more from the Abang.

Till then, sleep tight, fellow Poparazziacs. It’s time for Friday.
