G&L ASAT Teles


New member
anyone owns one of the koreans ones that yamaha is selling? anything to talk about? priced reasonanly cheaper than a mexican fender but seems to be of better standard.
Can't speak for the Korean ones, but I have a G&L Asat and it is one excellent guitar. (I also have a fender tele and I much prefer the G&L in terms of sound, feel and weight). Between and MIK G&L and a MIM Fender I would advise that you try them out and figure out which one suits you better. Whats the price difference?
last i saw yamaha is selling a ASAT tele for 700 before 5 or 10% discount. to me it seems alot more of a worthy deal for a mexican fender tele. just wondering if the korean ASATs are as gd as the US ones.
the anser to that would be yes....the korean one came out only a few yrs ago. Reverend also started releasing their koreans models a yr ago. and i think suhr might be doin the same?