Funny convo i had with a skater !


New member
First i'm gonna say that i'm not a skater nor a biker nor a rollerblader or anything .So lets start .

Well i was is school . I'm currently schooling in PSS btw . This year seems theres alot skaters in my school , and yes alot . Its becoming more common now .

Well i saw this group of skaters(sec1) . There are like 6 of them carrying their boards and some doing stupid stunts with that . To me they cant skate . Well no offence , its true . They are just like making fun of themselves . They didnt even impressed me anything with a stunt or anything , either they fall or the board rolls away from them . And fyi , they are like a bunch of nerds lol . Ok , i should say this so no argument; Everyone skates, even nerds. LOL .

Ok so i was sitting in a bench with my friend at my school court . They are "skating" and approching towards me . So they said hi to me and happily sit together with me . I made friends with them .

So i talked to this one guy. This is the convo(translated from malay to eng) :

Skater:Hi !
Me:Hi !
skater kepts quiet .....
Me:I can see that you skate
Skater:Yes , i do .
Me:Whose youre fav skater btw?
Skater:Ermm , tony hawk ?
Me: ok , so how long have you been skating ?
Skater:nearly about 5 months . Just started la
Me: ok i can see that...Do you watch skate competitions on tv?
Skater:ermmm like wat?
Me: X games?
Skater:X games? wat is that?
Me: ermm nothing .

Then i left with a smile on my face laughing . I waved goodbye then they waved goodbye .
What a funny experience .
What do you guys think anyway?
ahah yeah like mcm phm siaa !
I'm not a skater i even know some skaters and x games man . lol.
btw i'm looking forward to Xgames09 , and watch my fav sport . MOTOCROSS !
it's like drummers...

i can see that you drum
who's your favorite drummer? "joey jordison"
why? "cuz he can play double pedal fast"
how long have you been playing? "about 5 months"
ok i can see that. do you watch modern drummer videos? or other drum videos? "nope, are there such things?"
lulzomgwtfbbqkthxbye. "??"

i walked away..

nah just kidding. but what i mean is that it happens in almost everything.
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The difference between them and us is that they are skating and they can only get better each day.

While we will continue doing what we do and get better at that.
yeah... i'm in PSS too..
n they all lyk think "hey i bring my deck to sch and i'm so one can beat me" that type of person..

i'm a skater myself..i've been skating for abt 9yrs on and off since i was in pri 3..and still hav a collection of skate videos(not me skating la..those 411vm,FLIP SORRY type)..aha
remembering "zaman kental" skating alone wif my 1st deck bought at why pay more..LOL
but didn't even a single tym since pri 3 I bring my deck to sch to "skate"

but seriously, they all lyk proud of themselves skating in sch..
i too asked 1 of long u been skating?? the fellow reply,a long tym ago ah..a few years back.. but he CAN'T EVEN OLLIE..HAIYOO..
kind of irritating seeing them..

lyk wat munir..ouh i mean distortedbassist say..
there are ALOT of them..
every great skater , guitarist , drummer or whoever , starts somewhere. they hold the deck , come to school practice . if you can look as them as ' posers ' or ' wannabes ' or ' act cool kids ' why cant you look at them as ' kids with passion in skateboarding ' ?

i dont neccesarily have to watch X games to skate.
i dont neccesarily have to put on corpse paint to love black metal.
i dont neccesarily have to know malmsteen to learn guitar.

and , i mean , they're kids lah. at sec 1 , i had a fat skateboard and i went around telling ppl that i bought that for 200 bucks when i found it at a dump. we're old enough to see those kinda happenings off. you may never know , they might be grinding the shit out of edges in town/parks in a few years time.

thats my opinion man. no offense.
and correct me if im wrong anywhere.
i dont neccesarily have to watch X games to skate.
i dont neccesarily have to put on corpse paint to love black metal.
i dont neccesarily have to know malmsteen to learn guitar.

+++++1 to you dude!

Just don't label someone as 'poser' just because he don't know what X games are. :)
Be nice to people, and they'll be nice to you.

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every great skater , guitarist , drummer or whoever , starts somewhere. they hold the deck , come to school practice . if you can look as them as ' posers ' or ' wannabes ' or ' act cool kids ' why cant you look at them as ' kids with passion in skateboarding ' ?

i dont neccesarily have to watch X games to skate.
i dont neccesarily have to put on corpse paint to love black metal.
i dont neccesarily have to know malmsteen to learn guitar.

and , i mean , they're kids lah. at sec 1 , i had a fat skateboard and i went around telling ppl that i bought that for 200 bucks when i found it at a dump. we're old enough to see those kinda happenings off. you may never know , they might be grinding the shit out of edges in town/parks in a few years time.

thats my opinion man. no offense.
and correct me if im wrong anywhere.


everyone have to start sumwhere... ;)

rather see them as wannabes than mat rep
when i first saw this i thought it went funny convo i had with a stalker which is why i clicked.... but oh well.

yeah like what the others say, we all did stupid things when we were sec 1 or younger or a little bit older - it's all part of growing up, i'm sure when you were young and doing something interesting, lets say, "reading a book" then someone (you from the future) comes in and say. Hey, have you heard of Freud? (which i only first heard of in uni) and you go "huh?"

and then the future you smug in all your glorious learning smiles to yourself and tell the kid "you loser."

when all you can really say is "you have much to learn, young man"
you dont have to know zeppelin to play guitar, zeppelin comes to you eventually just like how the x games would eventually go to him.
woah dude.

what is happening to sec sch this days? u can bring skateboard to school?? cool man.
but the idea of bringing a skateboard to sch.....kinda retarded. y cant they just go back home and change 1st? these days.
Yeah guys i totally agree man . We all suck at something new . We get better day by day like wat james said . We'll i suck at guitar when i was learning . I really suck , i just get better and better each day . Don tell me that malmsteen never suck at playing guitar? Before i pick up guitar i do research . All those famous guitarist and all that . I'm a self-taught guitarist btw .

And ya Taufiq , wat the hell happened to our school sia? so much skater ! lol ! ahhhah you skater , why never bring deck ?
for what bring deck to sch??
sch to skate or study??hahaha

lyk what dale say..why not go home change 1st then go out skate..
same lyk what shanmugham our DM said..hahaha

''if u want to hang out anywhere, go home and change 1st..''
ya,but youre right to a certain extent...just like some ppl from my sch,bring guitar to school...just wanna show off...haish..