Fund-Raising Concert - Will local bands be open to this?


New member

There's a child who's falling sick and fighting to live her life. She's only like 5 or 6 and she needs treatment for her condition.

Just a general question. Now, if let's say I'm organising a fund-raising concert for a child who's sick (say, cancer), and all proceeds from sale of tickets and products at venue will go towards the child's medical expenses, do you think you will perform to help this fund-raising event? The concert will promote living life to the fullest and appealing for donations.

I can't afford to donate the amount of money needed (though i know every little bit helps, but after knowing about the girl i really feel that I want to do more) because I myself am a fresh grad with no money stashed somewhere and bank loans to pay. So I plan to volunteer my time and service if possible. I don't know if I will get support to organise this event, but if I do, I don't want to be scrambling for bands to perform, because I'm sure there'll be alot of scrambling to do already.

I think by organising this event, it meets a few purposes:
1) it's for a child who's never had a chance to live life like we have
2) it's all local bands
3) it's not a competition - we're all working towards a common goal
4) it's a HUGE get together for bands and the local audience alike.
5) and i think it'll make us all feel good at the end of the day. We all contributed in only way we know how - bands through your music, volunteers through time & service, corporate sponsors & supporters through donations.

What do you think guys? Will you perform at a fund-raising concert? Let me know what you think. If you think you wouldn't, why? (Work/too much rehearsal and costs to bear, etc) Must let us know here on this thread =)

P/S: Hope to not see any negative comments about the kid/whether this is a scam, etc. Just constructive feedback, please.

P/P/S: This event is in no way confirmed. It's just to gauge if there are bands out there who are open to this idea.
yes, the idea is good and theres similar gig done to raise money for different homes for the needies in the past.

For the bands wise, i believe it wont be a big problem, to find bands that are willing to do it. The problems that might arise are

1) Where to find the venue at short notice

2) Where and how can we find sponsors to chip in, for the production cost(venue rental, equipment rental etc)

3) Any proper statement of account that to ensure that the money gotten from the gig is transparent to people who help out, bands playing in the gig(or needing to pay a bit of token to headlining bands) etc and will all money go to the person who needed the help

4) Finding the bands that want to play and people to help out is easy, but the logistic and planning behind the thing will be the hardest. Imho, if really wanna to something like thing, do come up with a proposal that can be used to find sponsors and stuff.

This kinda gig, usually need planning of months ahead, to make it come true. Imho, if being alone and having time constraint, best to team up with any organiser that are interested. They might have the necessary ways to get things done faster then doing it alone.

anyway, i know theres someone who might know a thing of 2 bout this kinda gig, i think he will see this thread somehow and come inside to chip in some info. Just wait around for a while..
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If the cause seems to be genuine and more information is given about this girl and her condition, I'm sure many people will be willing to help out.

And I'm talking about bands of all genres Indie, Pop, Blues, MEtal, whatever.
Hey there,

I'm getting goosebumps upon seeing this thread. If the intention is genuine, things will go as planned.

Advise : Get more people like your friends/alumni classmates etc, to be involved. The more the merrier and things will go well.
Do enquire the organization , for this case, National Cancer Centre. They might be able to part of this. If not, its ok.
Bands are not a problem at all. Alot of bands are Gig hungry. And of cause, they are more than willing to contribute by playing. Cause we care.
Do enquire Potential Venue. Do up a good proposal, Im sure they are willing to help out in this meaningful event. Eg . *Scape YouthPark/SkatePark , Hong Lim Park , Botanic Gardens. etc.
Do enquire relevant authorities for more concrete plannings. Like NAC/MDA
Equipments rentals there are many in Singapore. eg. Boon Studio / Fad Studio / Unearthed Production. Sponsored or Semi Sponsored is possible too.

If theres anymore advised, do post it. This thread worth your time to time.
In any case, I would like to be part of this event. And hope the child will be strong and healthy.

Sites that's mentioned above :
Hong Lim Park, you can contact Mr Albert or Mr Wong at
FAD Media (easy to find)
Unearthed Production - Can contact me up.
Boon Studio ( Someone get the contact here. Thx )
Scape :
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Cancer is one of the most common diseases in the world. So if this girl gets a fundraiser gig just for her, I'd say she's really lucky, in a good kinda way. Go for it if you believe in it.
Yahoo news

The footballers did it, i guess it wouldn't be too hard for musicians to do the same. Perhaps bands with big names will add a lot of help to this, as in ticket sales.

There are direct ways for your donations to reach her now, don't wait for this gig to happen, because time is not on her side.
Yep, we'd help out too.

The football match that was for the little girl went well. Everyone at the stadium was thrilled to see Jang-Jung, Fandi & of course Abbas (who btw is still hot). The celebrity team was really entertaining to watch especially Sheik Haikel. Haha! He didn't wear a jersey coz they couldn't find any in his size!

Overall, it was worth paying the $10 to watch the match & know that your money was going to someone so desperately in need of the money. :D
Hi guys

Great to know it's encouraging. Yup, I'll take note of all your suggestions. We're close to getting down to rolling up our sleeves. Will definitely update you guys. For more bands who are interested, please, let us know on this thread. We'll definitely look through this and any other contacts that you think we can benefit from.