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it's bound to be fake come on.. at the very most they MAYB give 1 as complimentary.. 6.. tt's nuts..
Nefianz said:
it's bound to be fake come on.. at the very most they MAYB give 1 as complimentary.. 6.. tt's nuts..

Lol read the link properly, it wasn't complimentary, it was a SHIPPING ERROR :D
ya...too real to be fake...hmm...i guess maybe he can jus borrow from his friends maybe?? although the possibility aint big...
tany said:
no la. i think it's true la why would he so bo liao trick others?

u never know man. the people at #guitar last time can attest to that (kracko7 comes into mind...)
haha, should be real i guess...singaporeans are always so when i show my friends Michael Angelo Batio video, they dun believe, say its fast forward...blah blah blah....please lah....CAN WE JUST RELAX AND ENJOY THE AMAZING THINGS THAT HAPPEN IN THIS WORLD?!?!?!?!?! :roll: this thread supposed to have everyone marvelling in envy(like the original), but it turn into a "fake one lah" debate...
i believe that it is photoshoppable. take many pics with the exact same angle. copy and paste. not that hard. but if thats true then that is awesome. but if u see properly, each guitar has a distinctive mark. so my guess is its not photoshopped.but cooool
most prolly photoshopped lah!! dun need to be good at photoshopping to do this. very minimal skills in fact. mount camera on tripod. put guitar at position 1. take photo. then change guitar position. repeat for 4 times. last photo, self portrait. merge together. tadah!!
very easy. I did this for a digital imaging assignment a few semesters back:


Well, people on the UG forum have been studying each guitar (eye strain!) and apparently the wood grain is different on each SG?

freaking man this is so ridiculous! I wish that'd happen to me. haha. don't we all now.

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