::Free Avatar Making Service::


New member

As I see many post of Softies not being able to make their own avatar because of the limited size, I'm providing a service to all softies to make their avatars. Special effects included. 8)

This service last from 10-31 September only :lol: .

Just pm me ur pics and how u wan it to look like. I would be glad to help if I can. :wink:
just use a photoshop, whats so hard about it...

Even microsoft paint can do the job.

Image>Stretch/Skew>Then stretch your height and width to the avatar desire size...(A calculator helps,lol)

*You may wan to crop your image 1st, if you want a clearer and more emphasise image...
:lol: I rmmbr my time of avatar-selling. but it wasnt forum-specific nor resizing, sort of an online corporate project of unique designs. Anyway, simple things like resizing n all can b done by reading a few sentences.
my avatar is a 5 or 6-frame gif image and still can fit... had to compromise the resolutoon though... the original one is from warcraft III blizzard website which was like, 30 to 50 times the size of it now...

i used a programme to remove alternate frames so it is actually twice as choppy now... but i made the frames per second faster... and sinec its so small... no diff can be seen...