Steve Vai apparently gets to replace his bridges often and probably free since he is endorsed. I've read on his website how the bridge gets worn out really fast due to the abuse he gives it.
A trem CAN break. The arm can break. The trem posts can break. A saddle can break. A string lock block can crack.
Lower quality trems will be more prone to issues of course.
High quality ones are made with better materials so they can withstand more abuse.
But all in all, any item that gets abused will likely get damaged... The key is understanding what to do and what not to do, if you're keen on preserving your gear. You can always tap dance your pedals... or you can choose to jump and stomp on your stompboxes real hard. Its the person that is the main cause of damage. Do everything within reasonable limits - things that meant/made to function at that level will function. A good floyd rose system is hardy stuff.