FLAC, Ipod?


New member
Hi there,

Just need to know if the Ipod is able to read audio files coded as .flac

If the Ipod can't, then do I need to convert it or what? But that kind of defeats the purpose of having audio files in .flac though.


Thanks for reading.
Don't think so. From what I know they only read mp3, acc and apple lossless format. So I guess you have to convert your file. what kind of format is that anyway?
So its something like the apple lossless format huh? I tried using that, although compressed it's still very big compare to acc and mp3, plus I can't hear any difference between the lossless format and acc set at 192kbps.
when hearing thru headphones, one can barely hear the difference. but if you play it thru speakers or monitors, there will be a difference.
I hear it thru earphones, even worse huh. Hmm ok might wanna try it again then compare them on speakers this time.
Flac is worth the size. Especially when it's Guthrie playing!

Can I also ask what media player can play flac. ? Windows media is unable to run flac. heh.
It seems like I've to install Rockbox in my Ipod to enable it to read Flac. but that's not very ideal.
i tried playing flac on my samsung player, since it plays ogg. well..no can't do!

hahah..i guess the market has yet to adapt to lossless and especially open standards.

you can use ogg if u die die have to use lossy without rockbox. oh wait ur back to the same question that way :lol:

haiya..alotta guys have installed rockbox and are lovin' it. but yeah of course there is a risk. maybe 2% :) Rockbox is being used on many other players now. It is relatively safe because it keeps original firmware.

However check the supported devices: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rockbox
If you wanna play FLAC on your PC, try using Foobar. It's a highly customisable music player. Otherwise, I think the good ol winamp should do the trick too.
Yeah, winamp can play flac.

MP3s, hmm... when I listen to them for a long time, then go back to the CDs, can notice a huge difference, even on headphones... MP3s are more "tiring" to listen to... ear fatique, dunno why (and I'm not blasting my headphones)...