fix a paint chip?


New member
i've a small paintchip on my stingray 5... at the bottom of e bridge...
about 1.5cm
the wood is exposed a little... : (

Should i get some paint and paint it or it's okay to leave it as it is?


Like i always say, adds character. Well if theres a difference in tone you might want to get it fixed up, if not just follow cherns's advice :D
hahaha.. okok..
so its okay to leave it as it is?
cos my fren was saying that humidity or wat might affect the tone of the bass..
well, seriously, im not a guitar-tech-guru... so not sure whether will it really really affect e tone, or watever you guys called it.. hehahaha

It's really unlikely 15mm of exposed wood will affect the tone of your bass in any way. Unless that 15mm is the size of a crack at your neck joint that is... :o