First setup at last... what's next?


New member
ok, after many years spent procrastinating, I finally got my first recording interface, a Tascam US-428 (2nd hand). And after hooking it up to remnants from my guitar playing days, I have:

Reasonably entry-level recording equipment:
1) Tascam US-428
2) A Johnson J-station hooked up to it via S/PDIF, to keep as much of the signals digital as possible
3) 2-3 guitars to feed the J-Station
4) Bundled Cubasis as software
5) A P4 2.8 GHz PC

Totally consumer equipment used 'cos I'm broke after the Tascam purchase:
1) Sony MDR-CD580 headphones for monitoring
2) Altec Lansing 2+1 speakers for playback
3) Pathetic PC mike that I can't even plug into the Tascam 'cos I forgot to buy a mini-TRS-to-quarter-inch converter

Obviously, I am now in dire need of:
1) A proper mike
2) A MIDI input device
3) Something, anything! to input drum sounds (I think the MIDI device can take care of this?)
4) A bass guitar that I can plug into the J-Station since it's supposed to model bass amps as well

Ultimately, I want to use the setup to produce rock demos that are for my personal enjoyment and for those who are such suckers for punishment that they actually download my songs (which will be released under a Creative Commons license, peace).

The MIDI input device is so that I can use it to create cool ambient sounds that fills up creative voids in my pieces. Oh, and to create drum tracks too.

BUT... (questions follow)

1) I don't have and can't afford a MIDI device right now. Since all of this is in the digital domain, is there a way that I can use my trusty 101-key keyboard to type-type-type a drum track in? Almost everywhere I look, there're articles teaching you how to set up do-re-mi keyboards for this, but not computer keyboards.
2) I'm starting work in the neighborhood 7-11 tonight so that I can eventually pilfer enough midnight takings from the counter to buy a mike and a MIDI device. Can anyone recommend a budget mike and the cheapest possible MIDI input for my purposes?

Thanks y'all,
lilwong said:
2) I'm starting work in the neighborhood 7-11 tonight so that I can eventually pilfer enough midnight takings from the counter to buy a mike and a MIDI device.

if you promise not to do that, i will tell you more!

well, the 428 does not have phantom power, so unless you invest in another pre-amp, getting a condenser mic would not be an option. the shure beta 58 is a good startup mic. most engineer would have a 57 or 58.

since the 428 has midi i/0, you can get a budget casio keyboard that has midi i/o and you are set.
soft said:
if you promise not to do that, i will tell you more!

Darn. There goes my intention of being able to buy a t-shirt by just selling 2 packs of Menthol Lights. *grin*

soft said:
well, the 428 does not have phantom power, so unless you invest in another pre-amp, getting a condenser mic would not be an option. the shure beta 58 is a good startup mic. most engineer would have a 57 or 58.

since the 428 has midi i/0, you can get a budget casio keyboard that has midi i/o and you are set.

Alright, enough with the wisecracks for now. Everybody refers to the SM58 as THE mike to buy. I don't doubt that for a second, but does it match the rest of my pathetic hardware? Would I be pairing a Petrus wine with a dinner of reheated KFC?

How much would the budget Casio keyboard cost? Just a price range would do, thanks!

Ok, back to the wisecracks: Soft, I noticed that your join date is 0000-00-00. Would your initials by any chance be the letters "J" and "C"?
hmm... You dont even need a keyboard to key in the drumshit with.

You can just map it out with your mouse since you're using cubase already.

Just create a midi track, change it to to GM map and then.. right click and goto Drum editor and click away your drumtrack
Dude going to give you a hand cos i was once like you. Except for the pilfering midnite takings bit, and the equipment bit.

You've got quite an ok setup. Mike wise i think you should be going for a condenser mike instead of the sm58s but i think the 428 doesn't come with phantom power. I prefer the 57 to the 58, because you can use them for close miking of instruments and vocals but not so with the 58 (actually you can).

MIDI keyboards wise try to look for some of the 2nd hand deals. They're actually quite good. A budget of around 4-6 hundred should be great. If you're really skint, you can even try some of those small casio keyboards with MIDI in/out. You might also want to check out some of the controllers that are being sold at the apple centers. Drums can be input with these controllers.

Bass wise just select one second hand with great feel. Even something under 5 can be tweaked in post to sound good to great. Looks like another 8-1000.
lilwong, you pretty funny fellow. i had to kill a few brain cell to decipher what you meant about the initials. no, i am not him. but you got 2 out of 4 right though. j w c h.

about the shure mic, it is about the most affordable popular mic you can get. anything lesser would be doing injustice to your reheated kfc.

casio with midi should be about $300. you could get a m-audio controller too.
seekz said:
Just create a midi track, change it to to GM map and then.. right click and goto Drum editor and click away your drumtrack

Now THAT is EXCELLENT news. I'm right on it. This should do for a few months while I save up. Thanks!
veganbleu said:
You've got quite an ok setup. Mike wise i think you should be going for a condenser mike instead of the sm58s but i think the 428 doesn't come with phantom power. I prefer the 57 to the 58, because you can use them for close miking of instruments and vocals but not so with the 58 (actually you can).

Hmm... I got the US-428 despite the lack of a phantom power 'cos I assumed that a condenser mike was something higher up the food chain than what I would need therefore surplus to my needs. Always thought that dynamic mikes are the first mikes for everybody. Then again, we had used dynamic mikes in live situations 'cos they were just the hardiest. Guess a condenser would be more suitable in a controlled environment such as a studio.

veganbleu said:
MIDI keyboards wise try to look for some of the 2nd hand deals. They're actually quite good. A budget of around 4-6 hundred should be great. If you're really skint, you can even try some of those small casio keyboards with MIDI in/out. You might also want to check out some of the controllers that are being sold at the apple centers. Drums can be input with these controllers.

*sob sob* and here I thought I could get away with spending something like $150. Oh well.

Actually, I really don't get why some of the digital recording gear here enjoy such low depreciation rates. I mean, a 1010LT is a soundcard is a soundcard is a soundcard. Any other computer accessory would have dropped at least 50% after a year or so. But I noticed from the prices of the equipment found in the Classified sections here, 80-85% is the going rate for items that are 1 - 2 years old. Is there a reason for the high resale value?

Argh, looking at the MicroKorg for sale in the Classifieds right now. Not that I've got the budget for it. But it looks just so f***ing luscious. I just wish I had toned abs. Selling my body never sounded so attractive before.

veganbleu said:
Bass wise just select one second hand with great feel.

Oh most definitely. Here's where I've slightly more confidence to state my opinion. Heh. I've got a China-made Fender Strat here, which after the full-blown treatment from all the recommendations in sounds like any Mexican Strat I've played and more. So I'm hoping for the same from a cheap bass.

soft said:
about the shure mic, it is about the most affordable popular mic you can get. anything lesser would be doing injustice to your reheated kfc.

casio with midi should be about $300. you could get a m-audio controller too.

Thanks, soft and vegan. I know what to save up for now. Mucho gracias.