First rock song you listened to

IN A GADA DA VIDA by IRON BUTTERFLY - I was age 6, played my uncle's old records when he went to work...a LONG tyme ago in a galaxy far, far away... Then last year went out & bot the CD....

My first rock song ... How to remember siah??? Maybe metallica's reload album ... Now that the guy said americana .. Hmm maybe that was my first rock song. .. Or maybe its rhcp's give it away ... I seriously can't remember....
Haha, don't know if this counts but for me it was Beat It by Michael Jackson when I was 5... That song first got me into rock music and I've loved it ever since.
slayer- reign in blood.

Before that was actually more into pop and jazz stuff.

After listening to Metal, then slowly get to explore the 80s rock stuff and got hooked on it, thoes really classics like, fasterpussycat, cinderella, kixx
Linking Park's Hybrid Theory album.
Hm.. I've notice that few of us here started of with Linkin Park eh? Haha...
my brothers played guns n roses and metallica when I was a kid, so tunes like Enter Sandman and Welcome to the Jungle all seemed really really familiar when I heard them more recently. But I guess I first got into heavier stuff than pop from Disturbed (was the second CD I bought... after Avril xD).
I don't know about a particular song, but the first rock album I actually listened to was Scorpion's World Wide Live around the time it was released. My uncle got me into it. He said I was listening to some pussy ass music so he let me listened to that album. Ok, he didn’t say 'pussy ass'. But what the hell did Iknow at that point? I was 10! But I kind of liked it when Klaus Meine sang "...and you better get out of their weeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!" I remember thinking it was freaking funny at the time. Until I learnt they were German. Then it was funnier.

sidb12 said:
Haha, don't know if this counts but for me it was Beat It by Michael Jackson when I was 5... That song first got me into rock music and I've loved it ever since.

Well i guess i'm not the only one who started off with Michael Jackson Beat it. I really like the guitar parts its a killer riff that struck everyones heart and stuck in the mind even till now and that ROCK SOLO TOO!! I was 5 at that time too.

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