im also planning on getting a new guitar, i decided to go with the cheap ones coz im tight on budget and i dont really play a lot, barely just 1 once every two months.. I like the heavy stuff coz its where i began but for time to time i would play some of the mellow stuff, less aggressive like blues jazz, so my options for a guitar is it must have nice clean one and tameable dist/od tones, playability i want it thin and fast coz i have short fingers and good higher register access, and for the look of the guitar anything that is not too metal but can be accepted as a metal guitar and has a Maple fretboard coz they look so sexy in MapleFBs.. and swing has some good models fit for my plan not to mention the specs of each in comparison to other brands in its price range, but there is always the other brand, the Ltd's w/c i am dying to have..
Swing guitars in mind with maple fretboard:
S-1 $235.00 mapleFB mahoganybody 9.5''FBradius
S-100 $360.00 mapleFB mahoganybody 9.5''FBradius WilkinsonVS50IIKbridge SSH
LTD guitars in mind with maple fretboard:
ST-203FRMaple $550-650(roughly) AlderBody? mapleFB FRspecialbridge SSH DistressedFinish thinUneckprofile 12"FBradius 22XJfrets
M-103FM [/B] $450-550(roughly) BasswoodBody mapleFB FRspecialbridge SSH flameMapleTopd thinUneckprofile 12-16"CompoundFBradius 24XJfrets
Other guitars in mind not having a Maple Fretboard:
Swing B-1 $265.00 mahoganybody 16"FBradius 24frets neckheelcontour
Swing MG-505 $390.00 mahoganybody 16"FBradius 24Jumbofrets neckheelcontour WilkinsonVS50IIK FlamemapleTopVeneer MaskedBinding
EC-401 - its an LTD Eclipse WiN
im too lazy to add up more of it but there are other decent brands out there, Yamaha Pacificas are also on my list but they cost around $600 if my eyes did not deceived me last time I checked them at BeatspotPlazaSingapura, they have alot of medel there right now and even the new models 112v 311/611 510V and Pacificas have all have alder bodies.