First Electric Guitar


New member
Hi guys. I need some help here.
I've been learning the guitar for about 2 years now on my classical guitar and I feel I should get an electric guitar.
My friend gave me a new Kustom KGA10 Amp so I'm want to know what guitar should I get if I were to use that amp.
I don't want to over stress my budget so I try not to go above $200.

Any recommendations? I want to play some rock songs from Muse or Paramore and also some metal songs from Nightwish, Metallica, Iron Maiden etc. Maybe a bit of ACDC or Judas Priest but more on metal.

I only know guitar techniques so I don't know squat about electric guitar all that so do you mind being specific? The brands, models, place to get and maybe some effects or pedals.

I saw a guitar shop at Simei under the MRT. Is it wise to get it from there or should I go other place because that place is kinda small and have a small selection. I think most are Washburn guitars.

Thanks for the help!
I'll appreciate any tips.
look at the buy/sell section and look for a 2nd hand beginner guitar.

As for the specs of each guitar, i think this is a simple list for you to look out for.

Shape (LesPaul Strat)
number of frets (22 24 frets)
for your genre make sure the guitar can play distortion adequately. Can ask the person to demo to you.

Go and test until you roughly know what you want. Then look at the 2hand section. Bring a friend to make sure the guitar isn't a dud.
if you have time, visit peninsula and bras basah complex. it would be nice to try out some guitars and get the feel. there are a lot of friendly shops there to help you choose. use that knowledge / experience to check the forums for 2nd hand guitars that may suit your taste. but $200 budget ceiling may limit your choices. you should also consider buying effects - i personally use mfx's since i only play at home.
I think for starter safest would be to get a versatile guitar that can cover lots of genre of music, a stratocaster shaped guitar with HSS (Humbucker - Single Coil - Single Coil) will be a good choice, but $200 might limit you from a lot of choices. City Music's Craftsman might be something within your range, it's not bad as a starter guitar too!
if you have time, visit peninsula and bras basah complex. it would be nice to try out some guitars and get the feel. there are a lot of friendly shops there to help you choose. use that knowledge / experience to check the forums for 2nd hand guitars that may suit your taste. but $200 budget ceiling may limit your choices. you should also consider buying effects - i personally use mfx's since i only play at home.

I think for starter safest would be to get a versatile guitar that can cover lots of genre of music, a stratocaster shaped guitar with HSS (Humbucker - Single Coil - Single Coil) will be a good choice, but $200 might limit you from a lot of choices. City Music's Craftsman might be something within your range, it's not bad as a starter guitar too!

Thanks guys for the helpful tips.
I tried 3 kind of guitars. 2 from penin and 1 at the newly open guitar shop at Tampines Mart.
All are HSS pickup. I tried squire and ibanez at penin. Both from 250-300 bucks. It feels abit weird at the neck because I tried this one guitar at tampines mart brand name future (seriously I've never heard of it and can't find in the internet). But the feel at the neck is comfortable. The guitar is made from China. Cost 295 bucks.

So do you think I should get it? I'm a bit reluctant because the wood is from China so my guess it's not probably a durable guitar.
not everything made in china is bad, but since its an obscure brand, you'll have to worry about resale value.

in all honesty your budget of 200 is simply insufficient, imagine getting a guitar, going home and realizing that you cant get that chugga chugga tone and penultimately lose interest.. thats a sad reality many of my friends have faced upon picking up electric geetaring

just my 2 cents lawl
^ he speaks the truth.. I would highly recommend Swing at SV though, pretty good stuff but you really would have to step your budget up by a bit.
not everything made in china is bad, but since its an obscure brand, you'll have to worry about resale value.

in all honesty your budget of 200 is simply insufficient, imagine getting a guitar, going home and realizing that you cant get that chugga chugga tone and penultimately lose interest.. thats a sad reality many of my friends have faced upon picking up electric geetaring

just my 2 cents lawl

I noticed that so that's why I've increased my budget to 300. I guess that's better right. I don't plan on selling it but the feel is way better that the ones I tried, Ibanez and Squire, which are both HSS.
I noticed that so that's why I've increased my budget to 300. I guess that's better right. I don't plan on selling it but the feel is way better that the ones I tried, Ibanez and Squire, which are both HSS.

300 for the guitar is ok, but what about the effects?

id recommend you get a used line6 gx or ux1 to play through your PC and explore the various drives and modulations
^ he speaks the truth.. I would highly recommend Swing at SV though, pretty good stuff but you really would have to step your budget up by a bit.

Is the shop at the corner there beside swee lee? When you go down the escalator, go straight, turn right twice and the shop is on the left? Is it there? That place is a former metal album shop.
300 for the guitar is ok, but what about the effects?

id recommend you get a used line6 gx or ux1 to play through your PC and explore the various drives and modulations

Can you give me a link or tell me more because I didn't understand any of that. Hah! #noob
google is your best friend in finding out more, especially about effects and such.
whether a guitar is 'good' for you, the only find out is to test and play it yourself, if it feels comfortable and you like the sound of it.

the RG270DX features the ILT bridge, one of the least likable bridge in an Ibanez guitar. if you don't whammy much, it should work for you.

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