First Electric Guitar Buying Guide


New member
Hi. I need some guides over here. Been playing acoustic for years, now wanna learn electric guitar. I wonder what guitars should I buy? And am looking some jumpstart package like Squire and Ibanez, or even Yamaha. What are the good recommendations?

And am not willing to spend more than $500 for my first electric guitar.

And, any good electric guitar teacher around? And what price do they offer?

well 500 is actually a decent budget, but i'd not spend it on a beginner package.

my advice, get a roland cube and maybe a squier strat. would cost around 500 total
i bought my first electric at 16. 10 yrs ago at Davies. its a brandless stratocaster at 195 bucks..over the yrs, got fender and a gibson...and as i stopped music, i sold them.

but the brandless strat i neva sell cos, i dunno how to sell a brandless guitar. i picked up my guitar mths ago, and it still works. still able to play riffs, solos and all the usual stuff. but dun compare the neck and tone of a strat with a gibson.

so, 500, u can get a simple guitar, amp, multi effects...all in one package.

electric guitar aint fun without effects.

money is hard earned, spend wisely.
Squiers are usually quite well worth the money, in my opinion. Just don't get it from SL, cause its kinda pricey there. Other smaller shops like Novelty Music brings in Squiers.
Anyway the other day I walked into Woodworkz and was quite surprised that they brought in an Epiphone SG. Tihnk it cost only something like $300, but you better check with Rahman about it. Frigging sweet guitar
Thanks for all the tips.

Looking at Ibanez and Squier now. Which is worth the money? Squier as a jumpstart package is cheaper. Where do I get the cheapest price?

Any good teachers? What is the lesson cost range?
imo ibanez is more for shredding and metal.
squier itself can play lots of genre of songs if you get a fat strat(HSS) configuration.

Squier Strat California series is quite good imo,basswood body warm tone.Oh and its a HSS configuration also.Able to find them at Byleft/nolvety music and paradiz centre.About 250 to 300 if im not wrong.

If you want more of a "classic" strat with a SSS Configuration go for the Squier Affinty Series(alder body) nice twangy tone.But just that i dont dig the 70s big headstock.:mrgreen:

Then you can spend the rest on a good amp with onboard effects.
Prefrebably a Roland Cube 15x or a Marshall MG15.
What do you mean? Does it mean I shouldn't get epiphone if I am a freshie?

Looking at Epiphone Les Paul now... Hahaha.... I love the Les Paul style...
Sorry, I haven't heard of the tone yet. will go try it out probably this or next weekend.

Can i play it for most songs? Like normal electric guitars?
+1 to the Smash guitars, they are really a good buy! Just my two cents worth, and an epi sg for $300? woah sounds sweet, is it the G400, or special? And a roland cube 15x would be a good buy as well :)
ill explain what ryanz is trying to tell you.
Squier guitars are Stratocaster,they have a 5 way selector switch for its pickups.
This means you can have a good amount of different tones on this guitar can switch between the neck pickup,bridge pickup,bridge + neck together and so on.

Same as the Ibanez,but ibanez has different pickup configuration.
Stratocaster are normally HSS or SSS(Humbucker,single,single) or(Single,Single,Single).

Ibanez guitars usually comes in HSH(Humbucker,Single,Humbucker) ,however there are some with just HH(Humbucker,Humbucker).

A Les Paul guitar(HH configuration) is one with a 3 way selector switch,lesser tone as it has only 3 switches compared to the stratocaster with a 5 way selector switch. Les paul can play most genres,so can the strat.
Great. Now please help me to decide:

Epiphone Les Paul Special II
Squier Stratocaster
Ibanez GRX

A guitar teacher told me Ibanez is good.

And which configuration is best and suits newbie? HHH, HSH, HH...?

Thanks guys, I am getting close to finalizing which to buy.

As for amp, I will take everyone's suggestion: Roland Cube 15x
This is an advice i tell people. Do not let other ppl determine what you should buy. you go to the shop and find which guitar design u like then u take the guitar and test it. try other guitars that u find that looks cool and test it, hear the sound of every guitar and test it on the same amp or at least the same watt kind of amp like all the guitars u test on a 15 watt amp or something like that. So find a guitar that u like the design and also u like the sound then u ask around if the price of the guitar is worth it so that u don't get scammed. so if it's worth it then buy it if not look for another shop that sells the same kind of guitar at a cheaper price. After u got the guitar u do that process for the amps test all the amps that u think is cool and get the one u like best. don't be influenced by brands like which brand is better etc... your ears will tell you which is good for you. you may like what people don't like.
As for guitar lessons i can teach you

the configurations for the pickups depends on your choice for music as well man, no one else can decide for you, you gotta do the listening!