finger exercises (guitar)


New member
hello to all. This is a qn about finger exercises. I've been playing at 100bpm. 1 note per beat, then 2 note per beat.
when i play 4 note per beat, i m having problems. So i went to play 90Bpm, at 4 notes per beat too. But i can handle it so so only. then i went back to 100bpm and i can play in time for a while only.

To continue my training, do i continue at 90 bpm 4 notes per beat or 100bmp at the same speed?

if ya have other forms of training to help me, do voice it out. thanks
Mr_X, what notes are you playing? scales? how many fret are you stretching?
Mr_X said:
really that effective? but i big size leh. i fear i might injure my fingers

back when I was doing it, I was alittle bigger than your size. Weight Loss routine :).
i wouldn't call them scales. This is what i've been doing:

- play 4 frets each time, 1 fret 1 finger
- playing patterns are :1234, 1324, 1423, 4321, 4231, 4132.
- play each pattern up the EADGBE string, from low E to high E
- when i reach the high e i play the reverse version of the pattern i played down to the low e while moving 1 fret up.
- continues until i reach the 22fret(last fret of my guitar)
- when mistakes occur, go back to either the high E string or low E string of the set of frets and start again.



and continues all the way to the last fret of my guitar.
oh okay.. well.. when i first started on 100 bpm at 16th note, i had some problems.. so i slowed down to 90 bpm for a few minutes, took a rest and could do it.. so you might wanna slow it down for awhile then continue at 100bpm.. take a break from speed exercises for a day.. think that was shredcow's advice..
once you can play at that consistantly, i say its time to go faster.. how much faster? no idea.. maybe increase by 10 bpm at a time..
try set 16th notes at 50bpm letz say 100. Comfortable with it, go to 150, cant? Dont give up..continue until 150 is comfortable. Then 200, 250(this is quite fast), & if ur born during ww2 in hiroshima n nagasaki after the atomic bombing carry on thru 300. Cmon dont let a guitar beat u! Itz a fucking non-living cosmic dust u should beat it! :twisted:
strats said:
once you can play at that consistantly, i say its time to go faster.. how much faster? no idea.. maybe increase by 10 bpm at a time..

i agreed with what strats said..i would advise you to play at 90bpm first..after your able to play it consistantly..move up by 10bpm. dun rush into it..and play it on clean yeah :wink: