Finding a left hand guitar


New member
Does swee lee or yamaha sells it? My right hand is totally useless plus it got an extra thumb connected to my right hand thumb so i totally cant use my right hand to strum the guitar at all =((. I might even have abit problem holding the guitar with my right hand
when i heard about guitars for right handed,i almost teared out =((..all because of my extra right thumb. How much they cost for lefty guitars at those shops i mentioned?my budget at most 400 more abit =x
Below is how the thumb looks like =((

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hmm are u left handed in the first place? or you need a lefty cos your right side has trouble cos of the thumb?

Do u use a pick when strumming with your right hand? It's hard to tell if it'll catch on the strings.. maybe a pic of you in a strumming position?

looks like a pretty small hand too, female (i better not have guessed wrong, if not sorry!!) so u'd wanna get a smaller guitar as well just to make it more fuss free for yourself
yea,i am left handed,my right hand totally useless,cant write with pen and the movement very weird also because of the extra thumb so even if i play with left hand,i may have problems with the extra finger causing problems and things like difficulty in pressing for a chord i guess? =((
yea,i am left handed,my right hand totally useless,cant write with pen and the movement very weird also because of the extra thumb so even if i play with left hand,i may have problems with the extra finger causing problems and things like difficulty in pressing for a chord i guess? =(( My bone structure is different i guess, i cant do the strumming position with my right hand and also,if i hold a pick with my right hand, my thumb will touch and press down on the string first.. tomorrow i going to see some guitars and try out and i update here =)). if really cannot,then no choice already. Go do other things

Ps for the above extra post,i dunnoe how to delete
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mm in that case i think a left handed guit should be fine.. the thumb's usu behind the neck anyway. i foresee ur extra thumb shouldn't be in the way.
so wierd,go in shop tell the person i have extra going tampines mall yamaha to see,they do sell right?lefty acoustic price but whats the price since i guess lefty is more expensive? hopefully my right hand flexibility is still okay to make a chord,like so wierd,it just don't want to go to a certain position and i have to

If its a righty guitar,the chord just play upside down right??

Now im trying to think positive. the first ever extra finger guitarist.?lol
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i love the blues, and way back I’ve read of a guitarist with 12 fingers. couldn’t remember the name so googled... Hound Dog Taylor. his extra digit was on the pinky side though and he played right-handed. interesting: “Supposedly he downsized to 11 fingers one night when, in the midst of some fancy drinking, he used a straight razor to cut off the spare on his right hand.” (sorry for the gruesome trivia.)

a month back, there was some dude selling a lefty Cort electric guitar for about 180-200 (?). in the B&S section. not sure if still available though.

if you’re learning the lefty way, i’m not sure if “upside-down” is the correct term. more like “mirror image” i think. so when it comes to tutorial videos (like on youtube), you can flip the vid (or any image) horizontally and presto, it’s lefty. but if you’re playing lefty with right-handed stringing, then it’s “upside-down”. like albert king and elizabeth cotten. am i making sense? lol

personally, I believe you can play, so go ahead and get the guitar. good luck and update :)
you had the change the nut first right? or was that meant to be a left handed model? anyways congratulations on your purchase!
i post the picture up tonight..
The staff very very friendly to me...yerp,i can play the guitar in normal way is in right handed which i only found out that i can also hold the pick with my extra finger =)..this is wierd
Because my right hand is weaker and if i buy a left guitar, i think for me, making chords require the stronger and frequently used hand rather than the weaker hand...

I'm taking vocal lessons now at echo music. will be taking either guitar or sing-guitar soon. Around two more years to NS so want to make use of this time =)

Just trying out. Sorry if there is alot buzzing sound and pauses,i still new. Now for the bass string i use my extra thumb to pluck de =D
So yea, i guess i didnt made the wrong decision to get a normal handed guitar just because i got extra thumb on right hand because my right hand not my main hand also,if use left guitar,cfm cannot press chord