

New member
bittorrent is likely to be 'extinct' soon..sites like Supernova and Torrent.youceff are down due to lawsuits..seeds are decreasing thus slowing the downloads..will the whole network be gone? wat filesharing programs u guys use other than Kazaa or Edonkey? im gonna miss bittorrent :(
starting january next year, even kazaa or limewire is gonna be 'extinct' too... coz of this new law against downloading stuff... argggghhhhhhhhhh :(
for sure there will be a genius who will create a new network program better than bittorrent or kazaa for all of us..hehe..IMO as long as internet exists, downloading and uploading will never stop..
se7en said:
starting january next year, even kazaa or limewire is gonna be 'extinct' too... coz of this new law against downloading stuff... argggghhhhhhhhhh :(

i dont think it will work out.What are they gonna do? There are so many P2P networks around, u cant stop them. When one goes down, many other comes up. It aint the law if nobody respects it. P2P is here to stay

try ares galaxy
eXeem!!! yeah..something new that uses bittorent idea...its gonna be a hit guys..damn great program..yeah u're rite about somebody for sure will come out with something brilliant...
cmon guys.. let's stop piracy.. buy the original stuff.. eheurm... well yeah anyway.. i dont have anymore mp3s in my computer now.. only alot of backing tracks... :twisted:
dhalif said:
cmon guys.. let's stop piracy.. buy the original stuff.. eheurm... well yeah anyway.. i dont have anymore mp3s in my computer now.. only alot of backing tracks... :twisted:

u sent me symphony x? :?:
think about the difference between an mp3 and a microsoft word document. they both consist of ones and zeros.. so wots wrong with sharing information over the internet?

perhaps a better definition of piracy would be selling someone's art by making a profit for yourself. if it's online, it's online.. you're just using computers to access the information.

how come Sony is telling us to not support piracy (as most major music labels are doing), yet they make sony cd-rs, cd-r players, mp3 players, laptops that can read such information?

food for thought, but for me, i'm not buying into this anti-piracy crap. record labels know that their once secure transaction of putting half-arsed products for sale is at risk because we as consumers are becoming more enpowered, we want more value-addedness but they're not willing to give it to us. so instead of sueing the music ripping product suppliers, they target us.

if you want us to buy a cd, make it worth buying.
litford said:
if you want us to buy a cd, make it worth buying.

dude! ur officially my favourite newbie here! well said!! :lol:

but seriousli.. im much more to part with my money for those cds thats realli worth it.. im not paying for green day or good charlotte etc cds anymore.. no offence to the fans.. 8)
im sure most of u guys here are in a band too rite.

just imagine u recorded an album for like 2000 bucks of ur own money, then just before u could cover cost, people start downloading from somewhere and nvr go buy ur cd. cool huh.
yeah, of course i would want someone to buy my cd instead of downloading it, who wouldn't? money goes into my pocket.

but there is a difference in implementing a law and taking a supposed right of filesharing on the internet.

and like i pointed out earlier, the people who are being persecuted are the consumers, for just doing wot the internet was meant to do in the very first place.

so in regards to that, the industry of music has to go thru a bit of change to compete with current ripping technologies, to give consumers more value addedness and incentives to buy cds.

and i think most INDEPENDENT musicians already have enough trouble pushing their music without the help of labels and distribution, so whoever buys INDEPENDENT music is usually a fan, and understands the concept of owning a one-off 2000 pressed only cds and owning something of that regard.

you ask some random stubongz down the street whether they heard of your band, they probably don't care in the first place
blackductape said:
im sure most of u guys here are in a band too rite.

just imagine u recorded an album for like 2000 bucks of ur own money, then just before u could cover cost, people start downloading from somewhere and nvr go buy ur cd. cool huh.

yeah.. in a band.. a band going nowhere..

okie blackductape.. i ask ya honestly from your heart..

your band's songs and mp3s spread across kazzaa, imesh, areslite, emule etc.. you type your band name in yahoo and it comes up..

or you want

selling your band cd to your relatives and friends yourself? (and im pretty sure its hard and maybe impossible to cover that 2000 bucks u say.. unless your like plainsunset or pug jelly) and its like 5 bucks a cd? unless your selling the same price with those imported cds.. like 19.90

yes.. if your talking about big bands.. hoobastank, greenday those whos' selling internationally then its aint fair for them (but normally the albums they sold are able to let them profit cuz of the large market around the world)

and dont forget.. if your band's songs are released pirated.. im sure it would boost your popularity and album sales somehow :wink:

dont talk about noble ideals and reasons, when everyone of us fends for ourselfs. :wink:
I think the problem here is, a lot did not buy the music itself and simply just download, even though they liked the album. I am all for allowing people to preview the music, in full if possible. Only then we can decide if it is worth buying. The same should go for movies that has passed the screening period.

But how many actually do that? I admit, I do download but honestly, to listen/view if it is worth buying. If the songs sucks, why would I waste my h/d space to store it? I would delete it after that. If it is great, I would buy it.

So while I am not against the idea of sharing music, I still think those cheapos should start buying songs they like.