think about the difference between an mp3 and a microsoft word document. they both consist of ones and zeros.. so wots wrong with sharing information over the internet?
perhaps a better definition of piracy would be selling someone's art by making a profit for yourself. if it's online, it's online.. you're just using computers to access the information.
how come Sony is telling us to not support piracy (as most major music labels are doing), yet they make sony cd-rs, cd-r players, mp3 players, laptops that can read such information?
food for thought, but for me, i'm not buying into this anti-piracy crap. record labels know that their once secure transaction of putting half-arsed products for sale is at risk because we as consumers are becoming more enpowered, we want more value-addedness but they're not willing to give it to us. so instead of sueing the music ripping product suppliers, they target us.
if you want us to buy a cd, make it worth buying.