Yo fighters and wannabes, think you da champ in da hood?
sms name(space)fight(space)ratsx for competitions. we'll talk from there. sky rocket yo rep, score some dimes and get da chicks, yo dig?? No wussies in da house aight.
peace mofos.
-ratsx 97520074
It's not as exciting and realistic as when UFC started in the mid 90s. Back then, no rules, no time limit, no gloves, no weight class, no rounds, no ring ropes to hang on to - it's only over till it's a KO or tap out. You see Davids beating Goliaths. Different styles like night and day. The irony is though that milestone paved the advancement of unarmed combat, the current MMA championships seem to be regressing to what the pioneers originally set to break out of. Maybe the new rules make it more palatable for TV viewership in the name of profit and lift the media ban they once had. The only fighter I would like to watch these days is when Sakuraba on top form.
True, UFC started to include rules, time limits, and stuff like that, but I suppose if Dana Whites hadnt taken over UFC, it wouldnt be where it's at today. I think it is safe to say that because of this, people are starting to open up to the idea of fighting as a form of sport-ertainment, which really opens up more opportunity for those fighters/would-be-fighters.
What do you guys think is the best fighting method?
Good point, lemme rephrase the question. If you were in a situation where you're surrounded by 3 big guys, what would be the best fighting style?
Good point, lemme rephrase the question. If you were in a situation where you're surrounded by 3 big guys, what would be the best fighting style? Frankly I think, in this type of situation BJJ is the last thing you'd want to do, so in my opinion BJJ is not the best self-defense technique.