Fender Twin Reverb 65 Reissue : Applications


New member
Hi all, am considering adding a Fender Twin Reverb 65 Reissue to the collection, but I was wondering how these amps are generally used, as i'm new to Fender amps.

Obviously it goes for all the cleans and all, from how everyone'e been using it, but i was wondering if people actually drive/crank these amps, or are they solely dedicated to cleans?
You could crank it, but you run the risk of melting the faces of your neighbours off. Still, it's not as bad as the DRRI, now THAT is a monster of a clean amp!
Uhh I'm pretty sure the Twin Reverb is far louder than the Deluxe. And cranking to the point of overdrive on a Twin is likely to damage your ears, it's 85W (at 4ohms) and has more clean headroom than most people probably need.
Uhh I'm pretty sure the Twin Reverb is far louder than the Deluxe. And cranking to the point of overdrive on a Twin is likely to damage your ears, it's 85W (at 4ohms) and has more clean headroom than most people probably need.

Whoops, my bad! Must have gotten them mixed up lol.