my brother is getting this model, any comments on this? i heard tat every model have different design, izzit true? hmm any website tat shows the colour?
sweelee have it in DRD,OWT,SFG,YLW. wat does they stands for?
drd -> red right?
owt -> white right?
sfg -> green?
ylw -> yellow?
anywebsite tat show the designs? did a goggle search and found some model really fugly lol. anyway his ordering online, we are bunch of lazy pp to move our arse out of our house ahaha.
sweelee have it in DRD,OWT,SFG,YLW. wat does they stands for?
drd -> red right?
owt -> white right?
sfg -> green?
ylw -> yellow?
anywebsite tat show the designs? did a goggle search and found some model really fugly lol. anyway his ordering online, we are bunch of lazy pp to move our arse out of our house ahaha.