Fender Japan does it again! (bass content)

dude said:
actually im keen too. i need to save up though. how much is it SGD? my pc doesnt download the script for jap text.

around 1.2K odd

the fender 51 " P-bass is going for around that price too
stars said:
yes ! whose with me ? eh reyrey .. i m thinking on the lines of the jaguar bass too .. anyone keen to join ?

ooohhh....im with you bro!!! having a jagbass is a sin, a sin that i must commit....arghhhhh....you think ishibashi can bring it in?
if its an individual order u pay 10k yen ++ ( fuel surcharges)

on a collective order + discounts , mayb a 100 to 120 ? depending on number of orders
If you want to get hard cases or cases .. DON"T GET FROM ISHIBASHI .. goodness .. you can get it half-price for a tweed case in singapore compared to when you buy from Ishibashi .. not counting in the shipping cost and stuff ..
Goodness .. ahahah .. i think he'll learn his lesson to know that Singapore has cheaper hard cases compared to Japan ..
... sounds killer but i am not sold on the way it looks.

he he... it's the tone that matters, yes? 8-) but i'm with you there, i'm getting a Fender bass soon, it'll be the Jazz rather than the Jaguar although both are on my list.

I was there to check out the new shipment of fenders. There's a black jag bass there now... sounds killer but i am not sold on the way it looks.

am in japan now. u should see those at ochanomizu.

candy apple red, orange , black and the all time favourite 3ts.

ochanomizu... awesome

orange jag? thats quite cool. u didn't see vintage white?

i think the jags look quite cool. they have the offset waist of the jazz bass but the horns look abit sharper. kind of explorer-ish
Just went to Ochinawa today, happening street... so many basses on display

The fender jaguars were at ishibashi. However the most expensive Fender I saw was this 368,000 yen model (custom JD4). Thats' equivalent to about 5k sgd.

Basses are roughly bout the same price (if not slightly cheaper) than singapore. There is so much more variety here though. The basses have a good set up as well with low action. They let u test through good bass amps ( like the GK tube amp head, mark bass amp etc).

Most basses they carry are Fenders, G&L, Stingrays, Warwicks and Laklands. There are some less heard of names, but they cost roughly 2k plus.

the 2nd shop from the train station has a few really nice guitars with AAAAAAA quilted maple top in blue and green burst. I think one's a terry harris signature guitar. Forgot to take a pic of it but it looks really outstanding. It's the only shop where I saw a tyler on sale too.