fender bass


New member
hey all...i'm intending to get a fender jazz bass but have no idea which should i get? so would like to have some views and recommendation on a fender jazz...thanks!
make yourself clear bro...which one you should get?
do you mean the country that manufacture it?
or whether you want to get a vintage jazz or? :wink:
My vote would go to the Japanese Fender Jazzes from the 80's. Those were very well built, and are bang for buck vintage guitars.

It's a personal opinion, but I think knock the socks of the current Mexican ones, or even some of the American Standards of today...those just sound a little anemic in comparison to the vintage ones.
RentaBass said:
My vote would go to the Japanese Fender Jazzes from the 80's. Those were very well built, and are bang for buck vintage guitars.

It's a personal opinion, but I think knock the socks of the current Mexican ones, or even some of the American Standards of today...those just sound a little anemic in comparison to the vintage ones.

yup....well,i recommend all MIJ jazz...the workmanship is best la...
reyrey said:
RentaBass said:
My vote would go to the Japanese Fender Jazzes from the 80's. Those were very well built, and are bang for buck vintage guitars.

It's a personal opinion, but I think knock the socks of the current Mexican ones, or even some of the American Standards of today...those just sound a little anemic in comparison to the vintage ones.

yup....well,i recommend all MIJ jazz...the workmanship is best la...

Unless of course you compare them with a well-kept article from the 60's..... :wink:

If you're looking for one with more punch, a good bet would be to invest in one from the 70's. The bridge PU on those are shifted nearer to the bridge, hence the tighter sound. Great for funk and for cutting through.
hmmz...that means MIJ is better than MIA? was actually intending to go for an american standard jazz...3k izzit?
darow said:
hmmz...that means MIJ is better than MIA? was actually intending to go for an american standard jazz...3k izzit?

Can't really say whether it's better or not, cos it really depends on what you're looking for in terms of tone.

Personally, I've tried both American standard and MIJ ones. I've tried a maple neck American Standard at Guitar Gallery, and it was really punchy sounding, but not as warm as a good 'ol vintage one, whether MIJ or MIA.

As for the MIJ ones, the good ones came from the 80's and early 90's. The newer ones aren't that fantastic. I have a MIJ '75 reissue.....good quality materials used, but fit and finish leaves a lot to be desired when compared to the current American Standards or the old MIJ basses.

That said, the MIJs are still bang for buck. My MIJ reissue cost me about $1000, but the saddles needed changing, and the pickups sounded thin. With the addition of American Standard style saddles and original vintage pickups from the 70's, it still brings the total cost of upgrades and bass up to around $1600 at most. It sounds as good as an American standard, but at half the price. It's all down to personal taste.
darow said:
hmmz...that means MIJ is better than MIA? was actually intending to go for an american standard jazz...3k izzit?

3k?dude...i can get you a brand new one for 1.7k...MIA...no joke

My MIJ reissue cost me about $1000, but the saddles needed changing, and the pickups sounded thin. With the addition of American Standard style saddles and original vintage pickups from the 70's, it still brings the total cost of upgrades and bass up to around $1600 at most. It sounds as good as an American standard, but at half the price. It's all down to personal taste.

heyheyhey... show us the pics of that baby, dude!! :D
Re: ..

rottenramone said:
My MIJ reissue cost me about $1000, but the saddles needed changing, and the pickups sounded thin. With the addition of American Standard style saddles and original vintage pickups from the 70's, it still brings the total cost of upgrades and bass up to around $1600 at most. It sounds as good as an American standard, but at half the price. It's all down to personal taste.

heyheyhey... show us the pics of that baby, dude!! :D

Well, since you asked for it! I don't exactly have any close up pics of my bass, but I have one that I took of it with a few others, here it is:


On the left is my '74 with an Ash body, once piece maple neck with bird's eye figuring on the front and flame figuring on the back. Everything's still stock on that one.

The red one in the middle is my workhorse, early 90's Fender Japan Jazz from Cash Convertors, modded it with an '83 Squier Jazz Bass neck, Badass II bridge, EMG JPJ pickups.

The one on the right is the MIJ '75 reissue, with '70s pickups and american standard style saddles which are from Allparts. It's also got a Switchcraft output jack, cos the original one gave way.
ahhh .. welcome to the fender's club ... my bass pics are under the bass picture gallery post ...can check it out ...

i think fenders are nice lah.. jazz basses cover most of the styles of music in today's scene and is the bread and butter for most bassists ..

i think if you are starting off ... getting a beginner's pack would work fine .. e.g. squier guitars or what .. cos there's always the chance that you may give it up after a while ..

but if you are certain you won't then maybe you can spend a little more .. honestly with the rest .. i agree that japanese fenders come close to the american ones in terms of workmanship ...
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rottenramone said:

weren't u the dude in that jimmy lee SOFT vid demo? think i saw that 74 bass before.

Huh? Sorry bro, I have no idea which Video you're talking about.....thing is, it may be someone else, cos I got my '74 from a friend. He used to play for Soul Satisfaction.

I play for another band, the Dubious Brothers.