Feedback, go kill yourself


New member
I gig relatively often, and use pretty heavily distorted tones (hard rock, somewhere between nirvana and greenday :P), and even with my Boss NS2 noise suppressor, I STILL GET SOME FEEDBACK. Then I see other people, also with pretty distorted tones, with no feedback whatsoever. Whaaa?
How do I achieve this feedback-less magic?
1) Proper cables (use high quality ones)
2) Proper power options - isolated outlets tend to have zero or little noise
3) Distance. When playing loud if you're close to the amp you are bound to get feedback.
Your guitar? Doubt it's a hollowbody but maybe it could be chambered?
Or your pickups are too powerful?
Gain too high in addition to powerful pickups?
Stand further away from the amp?

I love feedback because I know how to control it. Usually standing further away from amps work for me.
Gibson les paul gothic morte>Crybaby original>Boss NS2> EHX Pocket Metal Muff> TGM Chorus> whatever amp is on stage

Thing is, I played on the same night as another band, and he used the same amp and stood pretty much in the same place, but there was no detectable feedback. :S I'm using the really high quality planet waves cables, so I'm hoping that they aren't the issue :/ Oh, and the guitar was bought from a friend, pretty sure the pups are stock, but I can't be positive because it wasn't originally mine :/
Why is the NS2 before the metal muff?
You mean your clean signal is very noisy?
Putting the noise suppressor after the metal muff would be a better choice.
i had the nano metal muff, was really noisy at higher gain settings

You should try out the feedback levels with maybe the amp distortion? See the the feedback is as bad as when u use the metal muff

If that is the case maybe your guitar wiring could be faulty somewhere

If you want a feedback free setup while still playing high gain you probably need a clean power supply. Most metal pedals are noisy at higher gain settings so you would need to find a way to curb that feedback

For myself, as long as when i mute the strings with my right hand there is no eeeeeee sound im good to go, im not using a noise gate also

The noise gate should be there to cut away that little bit of background white noise, not to cut feedback as by using it at low threshold settings you are probably going to erode your tone
As the others suggested, try to put your NS-2 last in the loop. Or you might want to lower your gain a bit... lowering the gain improves the clarity of your tone in my opinion. Otherwise, it's either there's an issue with your pickups or that EHX Metal pedal...

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