Favourite Song(s) From A Local Band

I don't really listen to singapore music, more malaysian cause they just appeal to me more. But Ramli Sarip would be one of my favourite singaporean musicians. ... with sweet charity, of course ...
some that i like..

astreal- june 12, wallflower

force vomit- telephone, last nite i say goodbye

stoned revival- goodil

livonia- lies

the mother- end of the world

serenaide- girl from katong, hands of the doc

pagan- whole of stereokineticsspiraldreams

shamejoanshame- i heard you sing and s club 7 song on the night i got wasted

humpback oak- scared scarred

the observatory- killing time, sea of doubts, a good thing

4side-dreams of tomorrow

Electrico - Runaway, Funky Ass Cartoon

Ronin - Do What Thou Wilt, Crazy Son, Propagandagenda

West Grand Boulevard - Flights of Fancy, Now We Will

Rafe - Perfect Day, Alive
Eh? No one mentioned Last Transmission ah?

Last Transmission - Neon Nothingness

Lilac Saints - Gina
In no order of preference:

The Boredphucks - Ai Sio Kan Mai
Concave Scream - Driven
Chou Pi Jiang - Buay Song Ah!
Sugarflies - What About
Humpback Oak - Circling Square
The Lizard's Convention - Wooden Heart
Sideshow Judy - You Can Do No Wrong
B-Quartet - Alphanumeric, Dry Rain
Electrico - I Want You
Opposition Party - Hack N Slash
The Death Of Cinema - Backslide
Enorhted - Perpetual Seasons
Firebrands - Sunfire Ignite
pug jelly - come home soon, ransom letter, holiday
electrico - studman
surreal (they rock, and glenn rocks the lead guitar yeah!!!)- bedtime story

i have a few others too like vertical rush and parousia but forgot the song names lol
I like all the songs on Ronin, Electrico, Rafe's albums. Lol. Don't ask me why. I just do. And I'm pretty sure I'm gonna like the songs on Electrico's new album too. I love the new songs by them: Love In A New Wave or sth. And We're Not Made In USA? haha.
the 3 originals by Vendetta. forget the titles.

rusty nails - shadow

firebrands - sunfire ignite
for now, theres:

Fatskunks - Lunarcy1, Revolutionista
Deathsynth - Devine Retribution
Flawed Element - Worms On Concrete
Ephyra - Only You