Favorite Overdrives!


New member
Since there's a thread on dist pedals, I thought I should start one on od pedals! Which is your favorite and why?

For me it's the rockett flex drive. As the name suggests, it's very versatile and it can get awesome tube screamer tones(except they sound a lot more open) all the way to early EVh tone! The far switch is useful if you're using single coil, adds bass and beefs up the drive
Since there's a thread on dist pedals, I thought I should start one on od pedals! Which is your favorite and why?

For me it's the rockett flex drive. As the name suggests, it's very versatile and it can get awesome tube screamer tones(except they sound a lot more open) all the way to early EVh tone! The far switch is useful if you're using single coil, adds bass and beefs up the drive

The Timmy for me
so super clean and transparent. It's my favorite for low OD.
Mad Professor Sweet Honey, gives a nice kick to a just 'breaking up' amp. It is also transparent and doesn't darken the tone like a Tubescreamer. However, I tested the Menatone Red Snapper recently and it will give the Mad Prof a very good run for its money. I've reserved one Snapper and will let you guys know how it runs with my amp. Best part of the Snapper is the "Hi-Cut" knob, which I will explore fully soon.

But as of now, Sweet Honey OD rules!
Subdecay Liquid Sunshine for low gain. Lovely warm and fat tones.

Catalinbread Dirty Little Secret for med gain. Great for blues/rock.

But the hands down winner for me has to be the Creation Audio Labs' Holy Fire. A very organic overdrive, just makes your guitar sound bigger. If you've tried it you'll know what I mean.
But the hands down winner for me has to be the Creation Audio Labs' Holy Fire. A very organic overdrive, just makes your guitar sound bigger. If you've tried it you'll know what I mean.
It certainly is. Other than my trusty Ethos OD, the Holy Fire is the best OD/Dist pedal I ever have and heard.
For me it's probably my Analogman KOT. Very organic, "real" sounding drives. I set them up OD/Dist and they cover most of my gain needs. They aren't "big" sounding at all unless the volume goes up, but it works for me.

I also dig it stacked with a rockbox boiling point. IMO the boiling point doesn't have one sound to kill them all, but it does many many things very well. In a dual drive setup, I have it around to do whatever I need it to do, which might differ song to song. Very convenient pedal.
Is it too sacrilegious to say TubeScreamer? haha..

My Favorite(s):
Fuchs Plush Cream.. TS-variant but with "Boutique Clarity"
Xotic BB.. for more versatility. Nice clipping.
I'm afraid I'll be stuck to this for a long time to come. But it's fine, butter smooth Lunar Module into the Yellow side of a regular KOT.

Thank you and goodnight.
-Sobbat Drive Breaker. Full, Thick, Creamy Punch. Doesn't change the characteristic of the guitar or pick up used.
-BBE Green Screamer, my fave tubescreamer. Warm, smooth with a little bite. Vintage vibe.
i like the marshall bluesbreaker, dial it up to fatten it, push it with a ep booster and Super Hard on and your mind just officially got blown.
Lovepedal Eternity. For all my strat tones (i'm a strat guy).
For flexibility it has to be the BYOC OD-2. Tons of options, it can do almost anything i need. Plus it doesn't take up too much real estate (boss size) even though it has 4 knobs, 2 3 way switches and a boost function... Great pedal!