Hard to find semi-weghted 88 keys. Fatar has another one coming out - the VMK-88plus. Also has all those knobs and sliders. Similar to it's TMK-88 (which is also semi-weighted) but has more controllers.
Actually, this will be a good addition to a keyboard rack for those who needs those semi-weighted for Hammond/synth playing. If the price isn't too high, that is (pricing to be announced). Narrow and sleek design - good complement to existing gears.
A few of these narrow keyboards on a rack will save a lot of space. Too bad they don't have a weighted one with a similar design. The only weighted 88 with a narrow design I know, unfortunately, is the Deopfer which isn't exactly cheap.
Actually, this will be a good addition to a keyboard rack for those who needs those semi-weighted for Hammond/synth playing. If the price isn't too high, that is (pricing to be announced). Narrow and sleek design - good complement to existing gears.
A few of these narrow keyboards on a rack will save a lot of space. Too bad they don't have a weighted one with a similar design. The only weighted 88 with a narrow design I know, unfortunately, is the Deopfer which isn't exactly cheap.