Factors of a "true" musician?


New member
Some people say you're only a true musician if you can improvise.

Some people say you're only a true musician if you can play by ear

Some people say you're only a true muscian if you can sight read music notations

Are all 3 factors of equal importance when it comes to defining a "true" musician?

Notice that I added commas to the word TRUE.... :roll:
hmm to me a true musician muz be able to write its own songs and play its own pieces and also plus the 3 factors that doubleblade mentioned :)
A True musician works very hard to achieve his goals. That's about it.

You wouldn't believe how many people fall short of this criteria.

That's why the term musician is a taboo in another forum i see....
in my opinion, its the same as asking "What makes a human human?"

if you truly believe music is part of life and the living, then music is part of being human.

A musician need not be too bothered about these definitions, so long he lives and breathes music (whether it is all the time or just some times), the only thing he worries about is being unable to express himself.
Everyone has their own definitions on what makes a true or good musician, but i'm sure this is something everyone would agree with: a musician is someone who plays music :lol:

How he plays it, or what form of music he plays is gonna be perceived differently by different people. I feel that as long as he loves and enjoys his own music, he can consider himself to be a true musician. (well no such thing as a 'false' musician, oh wait.. maybe that pop star who lip-synced wrongly to her own song during her gig....)
A true musician is one who dedicates himself to his music, and enjoys every moment of it.
A true musician mst be able to move pple with his music.. doesn't matter if u know a thousand scales or just one scale..
i think a true musician loves his work and is receptive to both negative and positve comments. And one that enjoys all kinds of music and isn limited to one.thats my point of view.ha.
haha wassup with this thread? how true can you be a musician? juz cause you do less does that make you a "false" musician? So are we less cause we havent gone through the list on how to be a "true" musician?

man a musician is all abt the heart soul and mind.

juz my thoughts.
a true musician must have a knowledge fer music both therically and practically....

a true musician does not give <u>bad remarks</u> on other genre..

a true musician appreciates all types of music

thats the onli 3 i had in mind fer now...


deedeeboi said:
a true musician must have a knowledge fer music both therically and practically....

a true musician does not give <u>bad remarks</u> on other genre..

a true musician appreciates all types of music

thats the onli 3 i had in mind fer now...



by your post, kurt cobain was not a true musician,and you are what would be called a carebear,sparing words to spare feelings.
A true musician is a musician who doesn't bother what a true musician is but enjoys what he/she does.

z ok