For those who are new to guitar tone...
Its extremely difficult to explain tone in words. You should know that. Its actually impossible. We guitarists even have to steal words from the cookbook to help us!
At the end of day, just go try. Don't understand? Read reviews loh.. Read bunch of them... take it with a pinch of salt or believe them, its up to you... Don't want to try? Just pick one that looks nice, then buy..
My point is.
Get out there and buy something first.
You don't know.
We don't know.
I don't expect you to know what we are talking about.
You need to experience it and then learn.
You expect a simple a = a and b = b answer, but tone is a multi-facet thing, people can hate Tone X, but you love it. So really, read some reviews, hype or not, take an average score or something, and go buy it then learn!
You don't need to spend a lot but you do need to spend something.